Braepark Song Release

County Antrim based song writing duo Helen Duff and Katy Lenaghan started writing together in 2014. Regularly playing and performing together they are joined by lead guitarist and harmony vocals, Mark Hewitt, bass guitarist, Stuart Hacking and drummer and percussionist Chris McCann. All 5 musicians are part of Glengormley Presbyterian Church band.

Writing from the heart about issues that affect our everyday lives from the perspective that their Christian faith gives them, lyrics are heartfelt. Their singer-songwriter style is layered with rich harmonies and memorable melody lines. 

Braepark’s first single is being released Spring 2020 with further singles to come over the following months. 

Song release – Hand in Mine
Raising children is hard…..letting them go can be harder still. From those first moments of parenthood, in whatever way it comes to you, where you feel that first connection with this little life that’s been entrusted to you, through childhood and teenage years there are so many joys but few compare with the feeling of a little hand reached out to grasp yours, in total trust and love. But there are also tough times where your heart is stretched to its limits. Ultimately, through it all my hope and peace as a mother is that my children are made and loved by a creator God, a God who loves them with a perfect love that covers my imperfections with a love that will not let them go. They are entrusted to me but not mine to own. It is with that faith and comfort that I prayed at their beds as they slept and that I was finally able to release them into adulthood. The feel of that little hand will never leave me and memories bring joy, laughter and some tears as I realise those days went too fast.  But it is the hand which is always open to them that gives me strength and purpose as a parent.

You listen to Hand in Mine on iTunes or Spotify now…
Hand in Mine