Announcements July 2017


Sunday 2nd July

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Christian Distinctives Sermon: ‘Perspective in a world that lives for the moment’ Scripture: Titus 4 v 3-5 Rev David Brice includes baptism of baby Reaney

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Getting to Know God. Sermon: ‘Can God be trusted?’ Rev David Brice

Sunday 9th July

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Christian Distinctives Sermon: ‘Caring in a World that Lived for Number 1’ Scripture: Mark 10 v 32-45 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Getting to Know God. Sermon: ‘The Amazing Grace of God?’ Rev David Brice

Sunday 16th July

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Christian Distinctives Sermon: ‘Contentment in a World That Never Has Enough’ Scripture: Matthew 6 v 19-34 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Getting to Know God. Sermon: ‘Letting God be God’ Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29 v 10-13 Rev David Brice

Sunday 23rd July

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘A Heart Like Jonathan’ 1 Samuel 20 v 1-17 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Sermon: Nabal and Abigail’ 1 Samuel 25 Rev George Moore

Church Notices

Presbyterian Herald: July/August edition of the Presbyterian Herald is ready for collection from table in Dunlop Hall.

SHOEBOX APPEAL WRAPPING: Boxes for wrapping will be given out gradually over the summer. Anyone wishing to help wrap a few boxes, please give your name to Maureen, Ann, Billy or Hugh. Ready-made boxes are available from the charity at a cost of 40p and can be purchased from any of the four people above. Wrapped boxes should be returned by the end of August.

KIDS WORSHIP: There will be no kids worship on last Sunday of July. We would love to expand the kids worship team. Ask God to show you how you can serve on this team and then speak to Amy Hunter.

SPARK NEWTOWNABBEY: Are hosting a Pray Gathering at Mossley Mill on Monday 3rd July at 7.30pm in the Mayors Parlour. Everyone is welcome to join to pray for Newtownabbey.

For full announcement sheet: July 2017