1 January 2014


Sunday 5th May

11.00am  Morning Worship. Series: The Gospel. Sermon: Chapter 3 “What will put things right?”  Peter 3 v 8-13 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship: Rev David Brice

Sunday 12th  May

11.00am  Morning Worship. Series: The Gospel. Sermon: Chapter 4 “How can I be put right?” John 1 v 11-14 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship: Rev David Brice



CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 12-18th May: We are still looking for additional volunteers please see Mrs Sally Grant.

Sunday 19th May 11.00am – Morning Worship. Presbytery Consultation Finding. Rev Dr Lesley Carroll

Sunday 26th May 11.00am – PCI Overseas Mission. Rev Uel Marrs



Mid-week meeting: Wednesday 8th May at 7.30pm in Burney Room. Series: “God is closer than you think [4]” Topic: “Listening to the voice of God” Rev David Brice.

LIFE GROUPS: as arranged.



Advance Notice: Committee Meeting Tuesday 14th May at 8pm in Burney Room.



THURSDAY TOGETHER: This week is ‘Members Day’ and our members are encouraged to take part by reciting poems or bringing a sentimental item and telling us about it.  The meeting commences at 2.30pm on Thursday 9th May. We are having an afternoon outing by coach on the 16th May and our tour will be through the beautiful scenery of County Antrim finishing at a Hotel for an meal [there is a choice of menu].  There are some seats available at a cost of £13.00 and if you are interested in going please contact Eileen or Gloria.

Calling all ladies: PW Annual Meetings will be held in the Assembly Buildings on Thursday, 9th May at 2.00 pm and repeated on Friday, 10th May at 7.30 pm.  The theme is ‘God is able’ and the speaker is Rev. Dr. Heather Morris, Director of Ministry at Edgehill Theological College.  An afternoon seminar, addressed by Catherine Campbell, will also be held on Friday, 10th May at 2.00 pm.  These meetings provide a wonderful opportunity to worship God as a large body of His people.  Please plan to attend at least one meeting and receive a real blessing.



CHRISTIAN AID: Sunday 12th May – helpers needed to distribute Christian Aid envelopes after church.  Lunch will be provided.  Please sign the sheet at the sign-up desk in the vestibule or speak to Derek Kyle.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 12TH MAY—19TH MAY: Every May volunteers go into their community to collect door-to-door. In 2012 house-to-house collections raised more than two-thirds of Christian Aid Week’s total of over £12m. This money has helped to transform lives around the world, supporting poor communities to find their own solutions to poverty. In Glengormley Presbyterian Church we have over the years built up a team of collectors; however, due to age or illness each year we need others to join the team. If you feel that you could help this year please speak to either Sally Grant or David Farrow. If you do not have the opportunity to give to Christian Aid through the week please place your contribution on the offering plate on Sunday 19th May.



FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: At our Committee meeting on Tuesday 23rd April it was agreed that all invoices and requests for payment along with invoices/receipts should be left in the Treasurers pigeon hole in the Church Office and not given to the treasurer directly.  All invoices/requests for payment must now be processed through the office.  All payments will be issued from the Church Office, any query for non payment should be made to the office. We have set the target of a 14 day processing of invoices.

On Tuesday 21 May, the Glenwell Life Group will be going on an outing to Nendrum Monastic Site on Strangford Lough. We will leave Glengormley Presbyterian Church at 10.30am, going to the Skainos Centre on the Newtownards Road for coffee and a visit to this creative form of outreach in East Belfast. We will then continue to Nendrum Monastic Site, ending our day with a fellowship meal at The Georgian House, Comber, at about 5.00pm. We would like to open this to anyone else in the congregation wishing to join us. If there are sufficient numbers we will hire a minibus, otherwise travel in separate cars. If you are interested in going or just want further information, please contact Bryan Marshall or Paul Symonds.

STREET PASTORS: Anyone interested in taking part in Street Pastors please contact Andrew Irvine at newtownabbey@streetpastors.org.uk The next training session begins on Saturday 22nd June. Keep up to date with the work of Street Pastors in Newtownabbey by going to their web site: www.newtownabbeystreetpastors.org.uk We are looking for volunteers to ‘staff’ the foyer which will service as a base for Street Pastors. If you would like to know about how you could help please see Mr Mervyn Whittle.



Sarah Bell and Rosalind Ware are part of a team heading to South Africa in the summer and are fundraising to buy resources to bring with them for the communities in George. They are absolutely willing to do any unwanted chore or odd job: babysitting, painting fences, cutting grass, cleaning etc. Please pick up a leaflet in the vestibule and contact one of them!

COMMUNITY RELATIONS FORUM: 1920s Ireland: United and Divided – see noticeboard in vestibule.

LIONS ORGANISATION have produced useful help line cards. Please take one from the foyer and keep it in a safe place.

YOUTH FOR CHRIST: Year out opportunities and Project 32. See notices in foyer for further details.

TECH CAMP: For ages 13-16 from 31 July to 4 August – see noticeboard for details.



We announce the death of Mr George Glover, Masserene Manor PNH. The funeral took place on Thursday 2nd May at Wilton’s Funeral church. We extend our sympathy and prayers on behalf of his children: Eileen, Charlie, Linda, Edith, Sandra, June.


Prayer Diary

Monday 6th May The Theme for the new PW session 2013-14 is “God is Able” – nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1 v37. Ladies, why not plan to attend one of the annual meetings on Thursday 9th May at 2pm or Friday 10th May at 7.30pm? You will receive a warm welcome.

Tuesday 7th May Go! Send! Pray! Three important aspects of modern mission today. There are those who are prepared to leave home and physically go to the mission field. There are those who provide the finances to make it possible for others to go. Then there is the group of faithful “prayers” who bring the needs of the missionaries to the Father.

Wednesday 8th May Give thanks that God’s people are continuing to make financial commitment towards Graham and Alison’s support. Pray that by the time they attend the European Diaspora Ministries Conference in July that everything will be in place for them to begin this exciting new sphere of service.

Thursday 9th May Thank God for the young people even now organising summer schemes for July and August. Give thanks that they are willing to sacrifice their own free time in order to bring the good news of the gospel to boys and girls. Please pray for safety for leaders and children, for good weather and that all who take part will be blessed.

Friday 10th May Give thanks for how the newly refurbished foyer is being used to bring together our congregation in fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee. Pray for wisdom as we seek to reach out to the wider community in Glengormley and invite in those with no church connections.

Saturday 11th May Tomorrow is the beginning of Christian Aid Week. Pray that many helpers will sign up to distribute the envelopes after lunch in the church so that all areas in our district will be covered.

Sunday 12th May “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever, Amen.” Ephesians 3 v20