Announcements August 2017


Sunday 30th July

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘Restoring Home’ 1 Samuel 30 v 1-31 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘Handling Life’s Transitions’ 2 Samuel 2 v 1-11 Rev George Moore

Sunday 6th August

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘Paraders of the Lost Ark’ 2 Samuel 6 v 1-15 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘The End of an Era’ 2 Samuel 23 v 1-7 Rev George Moore

Sunday 13th August

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Christian Distinctives. Sermon: ‘Purity in a Sex Obsessed World’ Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4 v 3-5 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Getting to Know God. Sermon: ‘God is Love’ Scripture: 1 John 4 v 16 Rev David Brice

Roof and Renovation Update – Date for your Diary

We are hoping that the building work will be finished in time for us to begin the Big Move back starting Saturday 26th August. Monday 28th is a Bank Holiday, so ideal for us to get a lot done! However, if you are not free that weekend, there will be weekday nights following, which will need people for the many jobs. Our move to the Halls was inspirational! Now we have to do it all in reverse – so your help is needed. Maybe some organisations could gather a few members to do a specific night, or individuals with skills, muscle, or a willingness to help are always welcome – as are tea break teams! Details will become clearer nearer the time, so listen out for announcements. Thanks in anticipation Sue and the Property Team

Organisation Notices

GOLFING SOCIETY: Please note change of date: Captain’s Day in Carrickfergus on Thursday 7th September and all members are able to play for the Captains Prize. Supper afterwards will be in the clubhouse and chose of meal is Golfers Fry (GF) or Salad. Please indicate your choice on sheet in Mosaic.

Church Notices

Thank you to all who contributed to our recent collection for the Moderators Appeal. A cheque for £2307.80 has been forwarded from our church.

Thank you also to all those who contributed to our collection for Presbyterian Children’s Society. A cheque for £1274.46 which included £50 from Sunday club has been forwarded from our church.

SHOEBOX APPEAL WRAPPING: Boxes for wrapping will be given out gradually over the summer. Anyone wishing to help wrap a few boxes, please give your name to Maureen, Ann, Billy or Hugh. Ready-made boxes are available from the charity at a cost of 40p and can be purchased from any of the four people above. Wrapped boxes should be returned by the end of August.

For full announcement sheet: August 2017