Announcements 9th October 2022


Sunday 9th October 2022

10:30am Rev Reuben McCormick – live streamed – Welcome to the family and friends of Conor and Katie Spence on the occasion of the baptism of their baby girl

6:30pm Prayer Meeting

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION: Meeting Tuesday 11th October at 7:30pm. Agenda for those who receive hard copy is available from Minister’s Room.

KIRK SESSION: Elders conference, Saturday 15th October at 9am.

Discipleship Notices

Immerse: What is it? “Immerse” is an eight-week Bible reading programme which seeks to refresh approaches to reading Scripture and deepen faith.
It seeks to do this by encountering the whole of the New Testament in a different translation (NLT) in a format which:

  • removes chapters, verses and sub-headings;
  • creates a more recognisable reading experience with single column text;
  • reshapes the order of the NT to provide a more evenly paced experience for the reader.

Who is it for? The Bible reading programme is open to all church members who will also be encouraged to bring friends who might be interested in reading the Bible for themselves.

When will it take place? The eight-week period will begin in the middle of October and continue through to the middle of December. A draft outline is indicated below:

October – 16th/23rd/30th; Break; November – 13th/20th/27th; December – 4th/11th. Each session will begin with tea, coffee and cake at 6:30 on Sunday evenings.

Church Notices

HERALD MAGAZINES:  The October edition is available for collection from the library corner.

UNITED APPEAL Envelopes are in the pews this week. Please take one home and consider contributing to Presbyterian Church United Appeal which supports projects, programmes and staff at home and overseas.  Filled envelopes can be returned to the collection plates in Mosaic.

NEWTOWNABBEY FOODBANK:  At harvest time we traditionally collect items for Newtownabbey Foodbank. We are all aware of how many in our community are finding it increasingly difficult to provide the basics. During October we would ask members to donate any of the following items which Newtownabbey Foodbank have identified as supplies they are low in: Canned Fish, UHT Milk, Pasta Sauce, Rice, Fruit Squash & Cordial, Canned Meat, Canned Rice & Custard, Tea & Coffee, Canned Tomatoes and Cooking Sauce.

For full announcement sheet: 9th October 2022