Announcements 12th June 2016

Sunday 12th June

11.00am Morning Worship Children’s Day All Age Service. The service will be conducted by members of our Sunday Club.

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins. Sermon: ‘The 7 churches (Part 3)’ Scripture: Revelation 3 v 7-22 Rev David Brice


Leadership Events

Property Sub-Committee to meet at 7pm before main Committee on Tuesday 14th June.

Congregational Committee Meeting Tuesday 14th June at 8pm in the Burney Room.


Church Notices

Thank you to everyone who supported Christian Aid this year, the total from the envelope collection in the church is £1,358.00.

Prayer Handbook 2016 – 17: The PCI Prayer Handbook for 2016/17 will be available at the end of August. This handbook challenges us to pray for and be informed about the wider church ministry. A copy of the current handbook and a sign up sheet are in Mosaic. The cost remains £2.00 – a small investment! If any current recipients wish to change their order – please contact Kerry Newman

PRESBYTERIAN CHILDREN’S SOCIETY: The annual collection for the Presbyterian Children’s Society will take place today. Envelopes are available in the pews and can be placed in the offering plate today or next Sunday.

For full announcement sheet: 12th June 2016