Announcements 8th November 2015


Sunday 8th November

11.00am Morning Worship Remembrance Sunday. Sermon: ‘Living Under the Shadow of Death’. Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Zephaniah – God’s word in Godless Days. Sermon: ‘Godless Religion’. Scripture: Zephaniah 3 v 1-8 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

Mid week BIBLE STUDY:    Wednesday 11th November at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. ‘What ever happened to Hell – A study of the Goodness of God.’ Rev David Brice


Leadership Events

Property sub-committee to meet at 7pm on Tuesday 10th November before main Committee.

Finance sub-committee meeting on Tuesday 10th November at 7.40pm.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE meeting on Tuesday 10th November at 8pm in the Burney Room.

REFRESHER TRAINING: Reminder to all leaders who have signed up that training is on Monday 23rd November at 7.30pm in Mosaic.


Organisational Notices

Next PW (Presbyterian Women) Meeting on Monday 16th November 2015 at 8pm in the Burney Room. Subject: Card Making/Resources – all Ladies – any age – are welcome.

PW Mission Boxes are due. Please give to Eileen Gordon.  Also Leprosy Vials are due. Please give to Rosemary Ruddy.   Thank you to all who give to the work off these two missions.

Thursday Together: This week Francis will be showing us videos from ‘The Digital Film Archive.’  Over a hundred years of moving image from Northern Ireland.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.


Congregational Notices

Christmas Newsletter:  The cut-off date for all items to be with Frank Murray is 29th November.  This date is necessary to allow time for printing and distributing to the congregation before Christmas.  It would be of great help if items were in earlier than the cut-off date.  Thanking you in anticipation.  Frank

ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY – SUNDAY 15TH NOVEMBER: The building we worship in was opened on 17th November 1956, it is 59 years old. Kirk Session have decided that in November each year we should have an Anniversary Sunday when we highlight the work of Congregational Committee and especially that of property. This year the anniversary Sunday will be 15th November. We will also use the occasion to launch our ‘kids packs’. Amy Hunter, our Family and Community Worker will explain.



The wedding of Jillian Newman to Andrew Chestnutt will take place on Saturday 14th November in Glengormley Presbyterian Church.

Congratulations to Ruth Lawrie and David Milligan on their recent engagement.

For full announcement sheet: 5th November 2015