Announcements 8th January 2023


Sunday 8th January 2023

10:30am Rev Reuben McCormick, Communion – live streamed

6:30pm Prayer

Discipleship Notices

Mosaic Life Group – Bible Study on Revelation.  As a follow-up to Immerse, the Mosaic Life Group, which will meet every other Monday evening starting on 9th January, is beginning a new study on Revelation. Newcomers are very welcome to join us. We meet in Mosaic from 7:30 to 9:00pm. Please contact Alison Orr for details.

Organisation Notices

GLOW is for primary school aged children and runs during the morning service restarting 8th January. Watch out for children and leaders leaving during the service.

PARENT AND TODDLERS will recommence on Thursday 12th January.

Church Notices

PROJECT ROMANIA: Thank you to all who contributed to the fundraising quiz and football match over the Christmas period. Due to your generosity a total of £642 will be sent to Project Romania. Thanks to all who organised these events. From the Missionary Committee.

LEPROSY MISSION:  An amount of £510 has been forwarded to the Leprosy Mission. Thanks to all who contributed. R Ruddy.

For full announcement sheet: 8th January 2023