Announcements 8th January 2017


Sunday 8th January

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Romans in context. Sermon: ‘Does God make a difference? The tale of Colin Howell and Hazel Stewart’ Scripture: Romans 7 v 7-25 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 11th January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Rev David Brice

The Brackens Life Group 7pm Wednesday 11th January 2017 – The Cross of Christ  pp105 – 111 in Essential 100


Leadership Notices

Finance Subcommittee at 7pm on Tuesday 10th January in the Ministers Room

Property Subcommittee on Tuesday 10th January at 7pm in Mosaic

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting, Tuesday 10th January at 8pm in the Burney Room


Organisation Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Our guest speaker this week will be Margaret Bowers who is associated with the UNITED CHRISTIAN BROADCASTERS [U.C.B.]  Margaret will be talking about how the bible is being brought into the lives of many unable to hear the message except through these transmissions.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

MEN TOGETHER: Next outing is to visit Stormont on Wednesday 11th January 2017. Meet at the church at 9.15 am sharp. Please sign sheet in Mosaic if going.

FoG will resume on Friday 13th January at 7pm. All primary school children welcome.

PW ~ RECYCLED CLOTHES FOR OUR MISSIONARY FUND: To date we have received a total of £600.00 for the recycled clothes. Many thanks to everyone who has donated their unwanted items. Please continue to bring your unwanted items along to Library Corner to be collected.

PW ALLOCATIONS: A Cheque for £1800.00 has been forwarded to PCI towards our Missionary Funds. Many thanks to everyone who contributed.


Church Notices

COMMITTEE ELECTION – VOTERS LIST: Kirk Session will publish a draft voters list on Sunday 8th January 2017. The qualifications of a voter according to the Code of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland are as follows:

Paragraph 175

(1) Voting members in the Church are communicants on the roll of the congregation who are listed, whether by name or number, as having contributed to the stipend or weekly freewill offering of the congregation in the last financial year.

(2) In addition to those so listed the following shall also be qualified, if themselves communicants on the roll –

(a) A wife shall be qualified on a husband’s contribution, and vice versa, where both are communicants. This shall also apply should the contributor himself or herself not be a communicant. If neither husband nor wife in such circumstances is a communicant, then their contribution shall qualify the eldest child, residing in the family, who is on the communicants’ roll.

(b) Should a contributor, who is not a communicant, be a member of a family residing together, then his contribution shall qualify the eldest member residing in the family who is on the communicants’ roll.

(c) Those who have been added to the communicants’ roll of the congregation since the close of the last financial year, upon confirmation by the treasurer that they have contributed during the current year, shall also be qualified voters.

Queries regarding the voting list: In the first instance please speak to our Clerk of Session, Mr Derek Kyle. If the matter cannot be resolved follow the instructions according to code below:

Should any member of the congregation who claims to be a voting member desire to make an objection regarding any name on the list, or omitted from the list, he shall lodge his objections, with his reasons in writing, with the Moderator of Kirk Session within a week of the first publication of the lists.

ANTRIM AND NEWTOWNABBEY STREET PASTORS: Could you give one or two nights a month to go out or stay at the base and pray? We go out on a Friday and Saturday night 7.30pm to 1am. Next training sessions start on Saturday 28th January. Speak to Hazel Kyle, Anthony Gibson, Peter McKinstry, Ann Hardy or email:

For full announcement sheet: 8th January 2017