Announcements 7th May 2017

Sunday 7th May 

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘You -spiritually’ Scripture: John 14 v 23-26 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins. Sermon: ‘The end but not the end’ Scripture: Rev 22 v 7-21 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 10th May at 7.30pm in the McKinley Hall with Rev Bobby Allen


Leadership Notices

Kirk Session meeting on Tuesday 9th May at 7.30pm in the McKinley Hall. Agendas are available in the Minister’s Room for those who receive a hard copy.


Organisation Notices

MOSAIC YOUTH: meeting on Friday 12th May at 7pm in Kerry and Trevor Newman’s House. See Amy Hunter for details.


Roof and Renovation

It is hoped that scaffolding will be erected in the coming week. In that event, car parking will be restricted to those with mobility restrictions or families with small children. We are unsure of how many parking spaces will be available at this time.


Church Notices

KIDS BIG DAY OUT: URGENT NEED OF ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS needed from 10.30am-4.30pm on Saturday 13th May in Wellington Church, Ballymena. In the morning you will be fully briefed on the afternoon’s activities ready for the children arriving from 1.20pm. Lunch is provided before the children arrive. If anyone can help, fill out an application form on line at Events/Kids-Crew.aspx or speak to Hazel Kyle or Amy Hunter

For full announcement sheet: 7th May 2017