Announcements 7th June 2015

Sunday 7th June

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: “From here to eternity.” Scripture: John 6 v 25-28 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Spring Series: From Darkness to Light. “Surviving Depression” Rev Alan Lorimer (


Leadership Events

HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB: If you have volunteered to be part of the Holiday Bible Club Team please come to a planning meeting which will take place on Sunday 21st June after the morning service. A light lunch will be provided. Thank you.

MEN TOGETHER COMMITTEE: The meeting to confirm the programme for 2015/16 will be held in the Minister’s Room on Monday 15th June at 7pm. Please note change of date.


Organisational Notices

 The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 10th June at 10.30am in the church car park.  We will walk in Carrickfergus before going to the Golf Club for dinner at 12.30pm.


Congregational Notices 

PRESBYTERIAN ORPHAN AND CHILDREN’S SOCIETY: The annual collection for the Presbyterian Orphan and Children’s Society will take place on Sunday 14th June. Envelopes will be available in the pews and can be placed in the offering plate.   Alongside this the Sunday Club will be holding an Ice-Cream Sunday after the Children’s Day service on this date when ice-cream tubs will be available for everyone in Mosaic and all donations will also go to the Presbyterian Orphan and Children’s Society.

big-lunch-logo-2013The Big Lunch” seeks to bring people together in communities so we thought this would be an opportunity for the GPC family to get together also. Come to Hazelbank Park with your picnic lunch for 1pm today. Looking forward to seeing you all there! – Fellowship Committee


Church Notices

street pastorsAt the AGM of Newtownabbey Street Pastors it was agreed that Glengormley Presbyterian Church be thanked for their continued support.  They wished to express gratitutde all those who pray for teams as they go out each Friday and Saturday evening as well as those who serve tea and coffee in Mosaic each Friday and those who open up the church each Saturday night. They appreciate the kindness and support received.

NSP will be holding a BBQ on Friday 26th June and anyone who is considering joining as either a street pastor or a prayer pastor would be very welcome. Please speak to Alison McClean or Hazel Kyle for further details.

Mosaic_logoMosaic will be open on: Friday mornings from 8:45am – 11:30am and Friday evenings from 7:00pm – 8:30pm

until the end of June.  Please feel free to drop in for a cup of tea of coffee. We would love to see you and your friends.


For full announcement sheet: Announcement Sheet 7th June 2015