Announcements 6th September 2015


Sunday 6th September

11.00am Morning Worship   Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Summer Reports


Discipleship Events

COMMUNICANTS CLASS will continue on Thursday 10th September in the Minister’s Room.

Mid week bible Study will recommence on Wednesday 9th September at 7.30pm in Burney Room. All welcome.


Leadership Events

PROPERTY SUB-COMMITTEE meeting Tuesday 8th September at 7pm in the Minister’s Room.

Congregational Committee meeting, Tuesday  8th September at 8pm in the Burney Room.

TAKING CARE TRAINING: There are two local dates for FOUNDATION Training for NEW leaders : 10.30am -12.30pm Wednesday 21st October in Assembly Buildings

Or 7.30pm – 9.30pm Tuesday 3rd November in Whitehouse Presbyterian Church If neither of these dates suit you please speak to me.

REFRESHER Training for our Congregation will be held on a Monday in November – date to be confirmed. I will email leaders in charge a list of who is due for the three yearly refresh. There will also be a list up in Mosaic. Thanks Lesley Bell


Organisational Notices

Sunday Club resumes after the summer break today.  All children aged 4 – 11 years old are invited to come along and have fun learning about Jesus!

MOSAIC VOLUNTEERS: Please meet after the morning service today to discuss arrangements for new season in Mosaic. We are looking for additional volunteers who are available on a Thursday evening, Friday morning or Friday evening to assist on our once-a-month rota. Contact Amy Hunter for more information.

CRAFT CLUB will start on Monday 7th September from 10am to 12noon.

Art Club will recommence on Tuesday 8th September at 9.30am. Looking forward to seeing existing members and would welcome new members. Contact Jim Carvill  07774155330

PARENT AND TODDLERS starts again on Thursday 10th September 10.30am-12noon. All pre-school children and carers welcome.

Thursday Together commences on the 10th September at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.

FoG is starting back on Friday 11th September at 7pm for all children from Primary 1 to Year 10.


Congregational Notices

Calling all ladies (young and old): You are invited to an informal coffee/tea morning on Tuesday, 15th September between 10.00 am and 12 noon.  It will be held at 46 Kiln Park, Templepatrick.  This is simply a chance for us all to get together for a chat.  If you need transport speak to Dorothy Marshall or contact her on 90599676.

Open door will recommence on Thursday mornings from Thursday 10th September, 11.30am-12.30pm.

YOUNG FAMILIES BARBECUE at the manse (47 Dalewood), Today at 1.15pm. All parents and children of Primary School age and under are invited to the Manse for get together barbecue.

WORK PARTY: Saturday 19th September 10am-12.30pm. We are planning another opportunity to clean and prepare our church buildings for the season ahead. Everyone welcome.

Christianity Explored – a video course on Christian basics looking at the Gospel of Mark will begin on Friday 25th September at 6pm in Mosaic and will run for 7 weeks. There will be a meal at the beginning of the night. Anyone interested in attending, please sign sheet at sign up desk in Mosaic. Children can attend FoG which will run alongside Christianity Explored.

Autumn newsletter:  Please note all items for the newsletter must be with Frank Murray by today.  It is planned to have district bundles, i.e., newsletter, communion tokens & United Appeal  envelopes ready for collection Next Sunday.  E-mail:  Tel: 028 9083 2044

Mosaic and Christianity Explored Leaflet Drop: Volunteers are needed to drop 2000 leaflets through doors in our area. Could you help? Please see Amy Hunter.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CERTIFICATE COURSE: Starts on 24th September in Union Theological College. Contact Council for Congregational Life and Witness at Church House for further information and application form.

CHURCH RESOURCES: Thursday 24th September, Ramada Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast. See leaflet on information board in Mosaic.


Community Notices

DO YOU CARE FOR SOMEONE WITH DEMENTIA? The Alzheimer’s Society in East Antrim are running a programme for carers’ of people who have recently received a diagnosis of dementia. If you would benefit from practical information and emotional support you are encouraged to attend. It will be held in Inniscoole Day Centre, Newtownabbey. Light refreshments will be provided.  If you would like to attend or to find out more about the programme please contact Aoife McMaster on 07860258728 or 028 9336 2940 or by e-mail:

For full Announcement Sheet 6th September 2015