Announcements 6th March 2022


Sunday 6th March 2022

10:30am Rev Reuben McCormick – live streamed

6:30pm Rev Reuben McCormick – in person Prayer Meeting

Discipleship Events

MIDWEEK: Wednesday, 9th March at 7:30pm in  the Burney Room George Moore will be leading the midweek on the next two Wednesdays focusing on studies in Daniel. All welcome.

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION Meeting Tuesday 8th March at 7:30pm in the church.

Church Notices

MODERATOR’S APPEAL: The Moderator has launched a Special Appeal towards the emergency relief effort to help people in Ukraine and those fleeing the conflict.

PCI is immediately releasing £60,000 (€72,035) to be distributed to:

  • Christian Aid
  • Tearfund
  • Hungarian Reformed Church Aid.

You can contribute by leaving envelopes marked ‘Moderators Appeal’  in the collection plate or contact Mark Stevenson for details on how to complete a bank transfer.

For full announcement sheet: 6th March 2022