Announcements 27th October 2019


Sunday 27th October

11:00am Morning Worship  Rev Colin Morrison

7:00pm Evening Worship  Series: Studies in James, Sermon: ‘The Life Giving Word’ Scripture: James 1 v 19-27, Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 30th October at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Alison Orr.

Organisation Notices

PARENT AND TODDLERS will be closed on Thursday 31st October but will recommence on 7th November.

Thursday Together: This week our guest speaker will be Audrey Thompson who is making a return visit to Thursday Together.   Audrey is a lovely singer and we look forward to her music.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

FRIDAY CLUB  will be closed on Friday, 1st November and will be back again on 8th November.

For full announcement sheet: 27th October 2019