Announcements 25th November 2018


Sunday 25th November

11:00am Morning Worship PW Service Diane Cusick – missionary with PCI in Zambia

7:00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘Protection, Guidance, Forgiveness’ Scripture: Psalm 25 Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK MISSIONARY FOCUS: Wednesday 28th November at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Mission Africa; Nigeria with Alison Stirling whose daughter, Ruth and son-in-law Donald Garvie are missionaries in Nigeria.

Organisation Notices

Thursday Together: This week we are pleased to have the Rev David McCarthy as our guest speaker.  Our meeting is held in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

MEN TOGETHER: Indoor bowls at Baker Stadium followed by supper on Friday 30th November at 6:45pm sharp. Please sign sheet in Mosaic and state choice of meal – fish or chicken supper.

Church Notices

ORGANISATION LEADERS: As our caretaker will be on holidays from Monday 26th November for 1 week, organisation leaders are asked to ensure bins are emptied before they leave the premises.

WHITE RIBBON SUNDAY: This Sunday 25th November marks the start of sixteen days of activism against gender-based violence. This runs annually between the 25th November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and 10th December, Human Rights Day. All churches have been asked to participate in White Ribbon Sunday on 25th November. Thank you to those of you who already made a white ribbon donation last Sunday. They are available from the wicker basket in the servery area in Mosaic. We are a designated Safe Church and will be continuing to support local initiatives in conjunction with Women’s Aid to support those in or escaping abusive relationships. As announced last week – there are cards available in Mosaic and the toilet area with useful numbers. Alternatively you can speak in confidence to Hazel Kyle, Essie Brice or Lesley Bell.


The last service in our series is on Sunday 2nd December at 6pm. Guest speaker is Rev David Montgomery, personal stories by Paul Fawcett and Janine Asquith, Soloist will be Helen Duff and worship led by our praise band. Please, once again, invite family and friends.

LEAFLET DROP: If anyone has an hour to spare this Thursday 29th November 7:30-8:30pm to deliver invites for Decembers ‘Become’ service to the surrounding area please meet at the church for 7:15pm.

Pray for a Pew: The church will once again be open for prayer on Saturday 1st December between 9:00am-10:00am.  If you can spare 5-10mins or longer over the hour to pray for the people, friends, family who will occupy a pew on Sunday evening.

For full announcement sheet: 25th November 2018