Announcements 24th May 2015


Sunday 24th May

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: “From adversity to advantage” Scripture: John 6 v 16-24 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice


Forthcoming Events

Sunday 31st May Moderator’s Appeal Sunday

Sunday 7th June 7pm Spring Series: From Darkness to Light. Theme: Surviving Depression. Speaker: Rev Alan Lorimer (

Sunday 14th June 11am Children’s Day Service. Guest Speaker: Rev Tommy Bruce

Sunday 21st June 7pm Summer Commissioning Service

Sunday 28th June 7pm Communion Service


Discipleship Events

Mid-week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 27th May at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Following Jesus: Who is the Greatest? Matthew 20 v 20-34 Rev George Moore


Leadership Events

The Discipleship Committee (Grace of Giving) will meet on Tuesday 26th May at 7.30pm in the Minister’s Room.


Organisational Notices

PARENT AND TODDLERS will finish this week 28th May. They will start again on 10th September at 10.30am. All helpers including those who help with the toys are reminded to join the team for lunch at 12 noon.

PW OUTING: Templepatrick Flower Festival – Friday 29th May 2015. Please meet at Glengormley Presbyterian Church car park at 1.15pm. Inform Dorothy Marshall if you intend going direct to the Flower Festival.

PW Allocations: £800.00 has been forwarded to PCI towards our PW Mission Fund. Thanks for all your support.

HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB: We are in urgent need of a volunteer, specifically someone willing to be Leader in Charge. If you think you can fulfil this role either yourself or along with another and have a concern and love for what the Bible Club does, please speak to either Kenneth McLaughlin or Lesley Bell. Sadly, if we do not have the important Leader in Charge role filled, we will be unable to run a Holiday Bible Club this year.


Congregational Notices

Mr Brice will be on holiday leave from Monday 25th May until Monday 1st June. If you require the services of a minister please contact Rev George Moore at 90342832.

OFFICE HOURS will be 12.30pm – 3.30pm each Thursday.  Announcements etc should be with office secretary by 12.30pm each Thursday. As a consequence Open Door will move to 11.30-1pm.

MODERATORS APPEAL: The Moderator of the General Assembly, Rt Rev Dr Michael Barry, has asked all congregations to contribute to his appeal to help those in Nepal affected by the recent earthquakes. All monies will be given to Christian Aid, Tear Fund and United Mission to Nepal. Our committee have decided that Sunday 31st May will be the designated Moderator’s Appeal Sunday and Gift envelopes are in the pews today.

For full announcement sheet: Announcement Sheet 24th May 2015