Announcements 23rd October 2016

Sunday 23rd October

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Serving God in hard times Sermon: ‘Caleb – a man of faith and courage’ Scripture: Numbers 13 v 25-33 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: New Testament Characters Sermon: ‘Timothy’ Scripture: Philippians 2 v 19-24 Rev George Moore


Discipleship Events

MID-WEEK MISSION FOCUS: Wednesday 26th October at 7.30pm in the Burney Room with Ben Smith

The Brackens Life Group meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 26th October. This week we are looking at the Teachings of Jesus from Essential 100, p91-97.


Organisation Notices

TIME OUT 4 U: Tuesday 25th October, 10.00-11.30am

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Our guests this week will be husband and wife team of Michael and Hazel Saunderson. Michael sings and Hazel accompanies him on the piano and they finish with a short epilogue.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

Family Games Night in Mosaic on Friday 28th October at 7pm.

Weather Forecast: There will be no FoG on Friday 28th or 4th November returning at 7.00pm on Friday 11th.

L.I.F.T. 29th October @ 7.00pm, Belfast Giants (family inclusive) – see Amy Hunter for details.


Church Notices

Church Roof: At the well attended congregational meeting on Wednesday 19th October, after much discussion, the congregation agreed to re-tile the church roof and ceiling, replace the church building ceiling lights, modify the bell tower and install a new hall door and hall corridor flooring, estimated cost £212,000.  Obviously this is a considerable step of faith in the future but having done much research into this the Committee is confident that the congregation will rise to the occasion.

Church Football Challenge match: The next Church football challenge will take place on Saturday 12th November with a 6.00pm kick off at the home of Crusaders FC (Seaview). Former players and anybody who wishes to play contact Peter Shepherd.

For full announcement sheet: 23rd-october-2016