Announcements 22nd January 2017


Sunday 22nd January

11.00am Morning Worship Launch of Roof and Renovation Fund Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

Mid-week Missionary Meeting Wednesday 25th January at 7.30pm in the Burney Room.

Close to Home: If you weren’t able to be at the  launch on Wednesday evening but want to be part of this excellent study by PCI we would like to help you to link up either with Mid Week or one of our Life Groups.  Speak to Jonny Reaney (our Discipleship convenor) Bryan Marshall or Rev Brice.


Leadership Events

Election of CommitteeThe voters list having been ratified by Kirk Session, we are now free to proceed to election. Due notice is given that the election of new committee members will commence on Sunday  5th February and will end on Sunday 12th February at 8.15pm

Congregational Committee are asked to meet briefly after this morning’s service (in Choir pews)

Taking Care Training:

Foundation: 7.30pm, Tuesday 31st January, Eglinton Presbyterian, Belfast

Refresher: 7.30pm, Tuesday 7th February, Kells Presbyterian

Or 7.30pm, 8th February at Dunmurray Presbyterian


Organisation Notices

CRECHE: Good News! Our fantastic, super dooper gigantic play pen for precious babies has arrived and has been constructed. This will be a safe zone from our more active crèche members.

CRECHE: With increasing numbers, we need more volunteers. Please see Rosemary Downes.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Edgar and Sandra McKinney will be our special guests at Thursday Together this week.  They both worked last November as volunteers at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem and we are pleased to have them share their experiences with us.  We welcome visitors to this meeting at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.

GARDENING CLUB: Next meeting is planned for Friday 27th January at 10am in Mosaic.

BOOK CLUB: Next meeting is planned for Friday 27th January at 7pm in Mosaic.

North Belfast Guide Division are holding a Rainbow Taster event for girls aged 4-7 who would be interested in joining Rainbows.  You and your daughter, or grand-daughter, would be very welcome to join us on Saturday 28 January 2017, 2.00-3.00pm in the church halls to try some crafts, play games and have some refreshment.  Or would you be interested in being an adult helper?  You are very welcome to come along and see what it’s all about.  If you have any queries please speak to Isobel Davidson (077 4763 6953).



Church Notices

CATERING TEAM B: Please meeting in Burney Room after this morning’s service to arrange catering for Ordination of Elders

ANTRIM AND NEWTOWNABBEY STREET PASTORS: Could you give one or two nights a month to go out or stay at the base and pray? We go out on a Friday and Saturday night 7.30pm to 1am. Next training sessions start on Saturday 28th January. Speak to Hazel Kyle, Anthony Gibson, Peter McKinstry, Ann Hardy or email:

For announcement sheet: 22nd January 2017