Announcements 20th October 2019


Sunday 20th October

11:00am Morning Worship Mr Matthew Horner

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev Colin Morrison

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 23rd October at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Cecil Robinson.

Organisation Notices

CREW: Youth fellowship meet tonight at 6:45pm.

PW (Presbyterian Women): next meeting is on Monday 21st October 2019 at 8:00 pm in the Burney Room.  Special speaker is from The Leprosy Mission.   ALL LADIES WELCOME.  

MEN TOGETHER: Next Outing is Wednesday 23rd October to Belfast City Hall.  Meet in Burney Room at  9:30am. As transport will be by BUS, men should bring their bus passes! SIGN UP Sheet is in Mosaic.

Thursday Together: Our guest speaker this week will be Colin from the SPUD BEARS MINISTRY.  Colin has visited us before and will be bringing an update  on the refurbishment of toy bears and now fitted with functions of volume control and internet bible stories.  These bears are sent all over the world to deprived children mainly in orphanages.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

& BOOK CLUB: The first book club of the year will meet on Friday 25th October at 7pm in Mosaic to discuss Paperboy by Tony Macaulay.

For full announcement sheet: 20th October 2019