Announcements 20th March 2016


Sunday 20th March

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘Thinking Outside the Box’  Scripture: John 11 v 45-57 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Song Cafe. “The Story of Hudson Taylor” a one man theatre presentation, Mr Alan Cousins


Discipleship Events 

Mid Week Bible Study: There will be no meeting this week (see Good Friday Service announcement)


Organisational Notices 

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meeting on Monday 21st March 2016 at 8pm in the Burney Room. All Ladies Welcome.

Ladies   PW in Glengormley is celebrating its 80th birthday this year. All ladies are invited to our anniversary dinner on 11th April in Tullyglass at 1.30 pm. The cost is £18 and replies with payment should be made before 1st April to Dorothy Marshall, Isobel McKenna or Vera Noble.

Thursday Together: Thursday Together will be having a holiday for 2 weeks and will resume on the 7th April.

TIME OUT 4 U: Many thanks to our band of helpers. We had a very successful three weeks with the highest ever numbers attending. A special thanks to Amy Hunter who put together a great programme.

ORGANISATION LEADERS AND HALL USERS: Would Leaders please put in writing the dates of their organisation’s Easter break so that heating can be adjusted? Please leave it in the Property Convener’s pigeon hole in the office. Thank you.

Mosaic_logo Mosaic café will be closed for 2 weeks opening again on Thursday 7th April. Would you be available to help in Mosaic? We are short of bakers and helpers on Friday mornings. Speak to Tom Quinn or Amy Hunter or email


Church Notices 

World Development Appeal: Thank you to all who contributed. £1,776 was raised and has been forwarded to the appeal office.

ACCOUNTS: Financial accounts were made available prior to AGM and distributed at agm. If you wish to view the accounts a copy is being retained in Mosaic for your perusal up until 7th June 2016. If you would like a copy of the accounts please enquire of our office secretary.

Summer Teams: Are you planning to serve on a Summer Team this year? If so please contact David Farrow, Missions Convenor and give him the details. We like to support those going on summer outreach practically and prayerfully.

sparkSaturday 13th August – Sunday 21st August, 2016

Spark gathers local Christians together in the Newtownabbey area to practically serve God and love others in a variety of ways, offering things such as free gardening, car washes, litter picks, youth drop ins, cafes, sports, music and late night events. All applicants must be in Year 9 or above. Sign-up online by visiting

For full announcement sheet: 20th March 2016