Announcements 20th January 2019


Sunday 20th January

11:00am Morning Worship Series: Why on Earth did Jesus say that? Sermon: ‘Away from me Satan!’ Scripture: Matthew 4 v 1-11 Rev George Moore

7:00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘Why do good things happen to bad people?’ Scripture: Psalm 73 Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 23rd January at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. ‘Holy Spirit (2)’ with Rev David Brice

Leadership Notices

MINISTRY SUBCOMMITTEE meeting will be held in the Minister’s Room on Monday 21st January at 8:15pm. Please note change of time.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) –  Our next meeting is on Monday 21st January 2019 at 8:00pm in the Burney Room. Our very own Valerie Raphael will be giving a Cookery Demonstration. ALL LADIES WELCOME to join with us.

MEN TOGETHER: The next Men Together visit is to Kingspan Stadium  on Wednesday 23rd January 2019. Meet at Glengormley PCI at 9:15am leaving for Kingspan Stadium at 9:30am sharp. Please sign sheet in Mosaic if you are planning to attend.

Thursday Together: We are pleased to welcome Rev Gary Glasgow, minister of Gardenmore Presbyterian Church in Larne, as our guest speaker this week.  Gary visited our group a few years ago and we look forward to his return.  The meeting takes place in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

For full announcement sheet: 20th January 2019