Announcements 1st November 2020


Sunday 1st November 2020

11am Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

PRAYER MEETING: Zoom Prayer Meeting will be held this Sunday, 1st November at 8pm. Contact David Johnston or email .  If you would like us to pray for you or a situation in your life, then please message our Facebook page.

LIFE GROUPS: Many of our Bible study groups are currently meeting online using Zoom.  There is plenty of space for new members, so if you’d like to give one a try, you can be assured of a warm welcome! Please contact David Johnston for further information:  02890 282251

Church Notices

Disposal of Foodstuff: At the start of lockdown we disposed of any perishable items etc from our kitchens. However as it seems unlikely that even a cup of tea will be made on the premises for the foreseeable future, we will be clearing all foodstuffs from the premises – Mosaic, kitchen, minor hall.  If your organisation owns such items and there is anything you feel needs to be retained, then please contact the office before Thursday 5th November 2020. Please also arrange to dispose of any perishable items in organisation cupboards.

For full announcement sheet: 1st November 2020