Announcements 1st November 2015
Sunday 1st November
11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘It’s Your Life’. Mr Trevor Long, Assistant Clerk of Presbytery
7.00pm Evening Worship Mr Ossie McAuley
Discipleship Events
Mid week BIBLE STUDY: Half Term Break
Organisational Notices
PW (Presbyterian Women) next meet on Monday 2nd November 2015 at 8pm in the Burney Room. Special Speaker is Colin Davies from the Spud Bears Ministry. All ladies welcome!
The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 4th November at 9.30 am in the Burney Room. We intend to walk on the Lagan Tow Path. New walkers/coffee drinkers are always welcome!
Thursday Together: Our Church’s ‘Maestro of Music’ George Hewitt is our special guest this week. Why not join us for an afternoon of music and songs, we meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.
Congregational Notices
Rev Brice will be on holiday leave from Tuesday 27th to Monday 2nd November. Should you require the services of a minister please contact Rev George Moore 02890342832.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: SHOEBOX APPEAL 2015. THANK YOU ALL – for the generous support given to this year’s shoebox appeal. Ann and Maureen would like to thank all of the knitters, checkers, wrappers, drivers and everyone who made donations of filled shoeboxes, gifts and/or money to this year’s appeal. Special mention must be made to the Sunday Club who once again made this their Christmas Project, the Craft Group and some others, for all the knitting of hats, scarfs, bags, purses, glove puppets and pencil cases, without which we would be unable to reach our goal.
As a result of your help and donations we have been able to send 220 shoeboxes, (and an additional 100 hat and scarf sets and 50 hats). This is our largest total ever and it is wonderful to know that so many children somewhere in the world this year will receive a box of gifts that they would never have had, if it wasn’t for YOU, showing your love in a practical way. The shoebox destination at present is unknown, but we will keep you informed. Thank you all once again and God Bless. Ann and Maureen.
For full announcement sheet: 1st November 2015