Announcements 1st May 2016


Sunday 1st May

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon on Eldership ‘Servant Leadership’ Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Song Café with ‘Local Missionaries’


Discipleship Events

Mid Week Bible Study: Wednesday 4th May at 7.30pm in the Burney Room.


Leadership Events

Election of Elders: Voting commences today. We are seeking to elect 6 additional elders. A list of those eligible is available from the sign up desk for voting members to take away with them for prayerful consideration. Voting papers are also available for you to take away with you. Please note that you can vote for up to 6 persons and you must sign, print your name and state first line of your address on the voting paper and return it to the voting box in Mosaic. The closing date for voting is Sunday 15th May at 8.45pm. Please note that existing elders are identified by an asterisk and should not be voted for as they remain elders of kirk session.


Organisational Notices

The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 4th May at 9.30 am in the Burney Room.  We will walk along the Six Mile Water at Kirby’s Lane before coffee in Antrim. New walkers (and coffee drinkers!) are always welcome.

PW Annual General Meetings will be held on Thursday, 5th May at 2.00 pm and on Friday, 6th May at 7.30 pm in the Assembly Buildings. A seminar will also be held on Friday, 6th May between 3.00pm and 3.45 pm.  All  ladies are welcome to attend and be encouraged by the reports of God’s work at home and abroad.

MEN TOGETHER Breakfast: Saturday 7th May at 8.30am in the Burney Room with Rev Peter Dickinson: Formula 1 racing. Please sign sheet in Mosaic.


Church Notices

Presbyterian Herald is ready for collection from the library corner.

Football Match – 2 May 2016 – Supporters Needed! Come along to V36 @ the Valley Leisure Centre (entrance off Church Road) to support the GPC team (especially the over 45 yr players) in their match against Ballyhenry PC. Why not bring a picnic, support our team and the children can also enjoy the V36 play park. Kick-off – 2.00 p.m. See you there!

You are invited to ‘Music in May’ with our maestro George Hewitt playing a selection of music on the church organ on Thursday 5th May from 3.00pm to 3.45pm. Donations to Macmillan Nurses.

A Chance to Serve: Could you welcome members of the congregation and visitors at the front door on a Sunday? A smile, a handshake and a cheerful ‘Good Morning is really all that is needed – for one month of the year. If you would like to be involved on the welcome team, please speak to Gareth Lenaghan or Kerry Newman.


Forthcoming Mosaic Events

Computer class: 6th May at 10am.

Gardening Club: Friday 13th May, 27th May and 10th June at 10am.

Next Kids Worship Sunday 29th May at 10.45am.

Mosaic will be opening on Friday nights in August and during Holiday Bible club week. If you could help during this time please speak to Tom Quinn or Amy Hunter.

For full announcement sheet: 1st May 2016