Announcements 1st February 2015


Sunday Services

Today we welcome the family and friends of Jonny & Olwyn Reaney to our morning service as we celebrate the baptism of their baby boy.  All are invited to linger after the service and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee in the foyer.

Sunday 1st February

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Who is Jesus? Sermon: He is the master of the Universe. Scripture: Colossians 1 v 15-20 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Sunday 8th February

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: The Jealous Arrow. Scripture: John 3 v 22-30 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Studies in Acts, Rev George Moore


Discipleship Events

Mid-week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 4th February at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Titus’s instructions – chapter 1 Rev George Moore

LIFE GROUPS: Details of each of the Life Groups are on cards in a card holder in Mosaic.


Leadership Events

Advance Notice: Congregational Committee Meeting Tuesday 10th February at 8pm in the Burney Room.


Organisational Notices

PW: Next Meeting on Monday 2nd February 2015 in the Burney Room at 8.00pm. All ladies are welcome to join with us. Special guest is Eileen Millar from MEADOW FLOWER CRAFTS. Should  be a very interesting evening!

WALKING CLUB will meet on Wednesday, 4th February at 9.30am in the Burney Room.  We hope to walk along the Lagan Tow Path.  All are welcome.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: The guest speaker this week will be Ms Dorothea Jeffrey and her subject is AROUND THE WORLD WITH WYCLIFFE.  The Bible Translators work to spread the good news of the Gospel to people in all corners of the world.   We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

FoG are running a fireside quiz; all answers are nursery rhymes. Sheets are £1 each and are available from Mosaic after this morning’s service. 14 prizes have been donated by local businesses. All money raised is for The Bible Society.

TIME OUT 4 U: will run again on Tuesday 24th February, 3rd and 10th March. 10—11.15am. Please speak to Essie Brice for details.


Congregational Notices

Jayne Erwin, one of our members, lives in St. Brigid’s Fold. She needs carers four times a day. The carer who prepares her for bed on Friday evenings at 10pm is no longer able to continue.  If you feel that you could fulfil this role or know of someone who could, please speak to Sally Grant or Dorothy Marshall. There is a payment for this job.

LOVE IS IN THE AIR!! As we approach Valentines Day we want to think about LOVE IN A BOX and raise some additional funds to enable us to send more shoeboxes this year. The Shoebox Appeal Team invites everyone to enjoy a special treat with your coffee after Church in Mosaic on Sunday 8th February. You will also be able to create your own LOVE IN A BAG to share with your loved ones and as you do so remember the children who received your LOVE IN A BOX. All proceeds will go to the Shoebox Appeal 2015. Thank you, Maureen and Ann.

April Newsletter:  All items for inclusion to the church newsletter must be with Frank Murray by Sunday 15th March, or earlier please.  It is planned to have the district bundles ready for distributing the following Sunday (22nd March).  Thus allowing elders & committee members two weeks to distribute them before the Easter Holiday.   Tel: 028 9083 2944   Thanking you.

GREETINGS FROM BEATRICE KIBOLO: I received an email from Beatrice earlier in the week: Hello – Lesley how are you and your family – I hope you are keeping well. Me too I am good in Jesus name. The news is I got a house from the Housing association but it’s empty. Anyway the best thing is I got one, I thank God – He is good. I have to pay my children’s application fees for the visa but I couldn’t afford this (£400 each). God bless, Beatrice    Beatrice has three children, now aged 19, 23 & 25. She is also guardian for her deceased brother’s daughters aged 13 & 17.  Please speak to me if you would like more information. Lesley.


Church Notices

4 Corners Festival: 4 Corners Festival – Throughout the Festival there will be an art exhibition “Religion and Spirituality” in Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts (Free). Highlights for the coming week include: “Imagining a Belfast without walls”, Townsend Street Presbyterian Church on Monday 2nd February at 7.30pm.(Free) “Three Mayors for all four Corners”, Ulster Museum on Tuesday 3rd February at 8.00pm (Free) “Imagine a world without human trafficking”, Fortwilliam & Macrory Presbyterian Church on Wednesday 4th February at 7.30pm (Free), “Greater Love” – Stories, Images and Music from World War One, with the NEW IRISH ARTS, Clonard Monastery on Friday 6th February at Clonard Monastery (£10), “A Step too Far” – a contemplation on Forgiveness, Strand Arts Centre (Holywood Road) on Saturday 7th February at 3pm (Free), “The path of life” – a journey through the psalms with Scottish Gaelic Psalm singers, Skainos, Newtownards Road on Saturday 7th February at 7pm (Free), “A New Generation of Peacemakers” – Worship and Reflection led by the young peacemakers of Belfast, Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Glenview Street on Sunday 8th February at 7pm (Free). For the full programme, please visit We especially need more participants for the Human Trafficking event in Fortwilliam, as Rev Lesley Carroll is catering for 50 people!

Care for the Family: Marriage event, It Takes Two. Carnmoney Presbyterian Church on Thursday 19th March at 7.30pm. See details in Mosaic.

Close to Home conference Friday 20th March 2015 in Assembly Buildings. A conference for those committed to passing on faith to the young within the covenant community. Rev Dr Stafford Carson, keynote speaker. Further details in Mosaic. If interested in attending please speak in the first instance to Matthew Horner.  Kirk Session would like to support those in leadership to attend.

VOICE OF HOPE: Free bible reading notes available in Mosaic. Please take a copy.


Community Notices

Fold housing association: Free Housing Support Service for Older People. See notice in Mosaic for details.

NORTHERN IRELAND HOSPICE SHOP: are seeks additional volunteers. Those interested can call into the shop, telephone or email. See notice in Mosaic.

Mosaic will be open on: Thursdays 6.30 – 8pm, Fridays 8.45am – 12 noon & 6.45 – 8.30pm


Prayer Diary

MONDAY 2ND FEBRUARY: Please pray for P.W. as they meet tonight. Pray for Dorothy as she heads up this fellowship for women of all ages and ask for God’s guidance for the future as P.W. in Glengormley looks forward to celebrating its 80th Anniversary soon.

TUESDAY 3rd FEBRUARY: Thank God for the people who are the ‘hidden workers’ in Glengormley. Those who quietly do many behind-the-scenes jobs which greatly benefit our fellowship here. Ask God’s blessing too, on faithful leaders and helpers who give time and commitment to God’s Kingdom-work in this area.

WEDNESDAY 4TH FEBRUARY: Pray for those facing long-term problems. Sometimes illnesses are prolonged and wearying, steady employment is hard to find, family situations remain unresolved—-. Pray that all who are in such circumstances will find Hope in God and trust Him. When the problems mount, pray that they will have a deep assurance from God of His unfailing care and His presence with them – the Light in their darkness.

THURSDAY 5TH FEBRUARY: Do we ever pray for our neighbours? Do we know their names? Do we know their worries or their joys? Pray today for those you live beside, those you work beside. The work of ‘Mission’ is not just to those far away, but to those right beside us.

FRIDAY 6TH FEBRUARY: Give thanks for every baby, child and young person who enriches our Church family here. Pray for those who lead and teach them each week in our organisations and ask God to protect them and make them strong in Him as they grow up in a world with very different values.

SATURDAY 7TH FEBRUARY: Pray for the work of Street Pastors. As they patrol on these dark and cold nights, may they be given the right words to say to the people they encounter and to show God’s love in some difficult situations. Ask God to keep them safe and to give them continuing enthusiasm.

SUNDAY 8TH FEBRUARY : Thank God today for His living Word. The promises we can fully rely on, the rebuking and correcting we so often need, the training it gives us in shaping our lives and attitudes. Give thanks for those who share the teaching of God’s Word with us and help us to understand it. Pray that what we learn will become part of us and work through us in the days ahead.