Announcements 19th June 2016

Sunday 19th June

11.00am Morning Worship Summer Team Commissioning Service. Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: Discipleship – “Beginners Class” Scripture: John 12 v 20-36 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins. Sermon: ‘The 7 seals (Part 1)’ Scripture: Revelation 4 v 1-5 v 5 Rev David Brice


Organisation Notices

SUNDAY CLUB: Today is our last Sunday Club before we stop for the summer break.  We will resume on Sunday 4th September.   All the leaders would like to thank parents and friends for your continued support and prayers throughout the year.

GOLFING SOCIETY: Due to the planned Somme Remembrance Parade scheduled for Monday evening there will be no supper at the church after the golf outing. Players are asked to submit their scorecards and Green fees to the pro shop after completing their round.

HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB ART DAY: Saturday 25th June at 10am. Anyone who could help out at any time during the morning please come along.



FROM COMMITTEE: At last week’s meeting it was agreed to appoint an architect to advise us on repairs to roof and other refurbishment.

ELECTION OF ELDERS: At last week’s congregational meeting our four nominees, Janine Asquith, Mark Hewitt, David Johnston, David Mullan were duly elected as elders. They will now commence a period of training prior to ordination.


Church Notices


Thursday 30th June 12.30-3.30pm – Announcement sheet for July

Sunday 3rd July 10-11am

Thursday 28th July 10am-1pm – Announcement sheet for August

Sunday 31st July 10-11am

Thursday 25th August– Restart weekly announcement sheets.

For full announcement sheet: 19th June 2016