Announcements 18th June 2023


Sunday 18th June 2023

10:30am Children’s Day – live streamed

6:30pm Practising the Way

Leadership Notices

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE meeting, Tuesday 20th June at 8pm.

Organisation Notices

GLOW will be taking a break for the summer. From next Sunday we will be running CHILDREN’S CHURCH during the morning service. If you would like to help with this please email the office:

PRACTISING THE WAY KIDS CLUB:  Tonight is our last Sunday evening there will be a Kid’s Club running in the Burney room from 6:30pm, to facilitate any parents attending the Practising the Way series.

COFFEE AND CHAT: Thursdays, 7-9pm. Call in for a cuppa. All welcome.

FRIDAY NIGHT THING:  Are you in Primary 7 to Year 10? Then you are invited on Friday 23rd June, 8-9:30pm to join us as we hang out, have fun, food and games. Contact Reuben for more details.

Church Notices

North Belfast Presbytery are holding a Young Adults Rally for 20s and 30s on Saturday 24th June at 7:30pm in West Kirk Presbyterian Church.

For full announcement sheet: