Announcements 18th June 2017


Sunday 18th June

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘Entangled’ Scripture: 2 Samuel 12 v 1-10 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘The Love of the King’ Scripture: Psalm 45 Rev George Moore

Leadership Notices

Towards Belief – Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church, Tuesday 20th June – 7.30pm: Karl Faase is an Australian based communicator, media presenter and social commentator. He also pastored a large Baptist Church in the outskirts of Sydney for over 20 years. This will be an excellent opportunity of meeting with a global communicator who has a clear grasp of today’s diverse culture, where faith and truth are frowned upon and who can encourage and inspire us to take up the challenge of engaging with contemporary society with the good news of the Gospel. With society now supposedly in ‘post truth’ mode, a clear understanding of our faith and our ability to communicate it effectively have never been more important. As always, the local congregation is well placed to equip and encourage its members to engage on their frontlines. Any Elder or Life Group Leader who would be interested in attending, please speak to Rev David Brice.

Organisation Notices

The Golf society’s next outing is Monday 19th June (tomorrow) at Greenacres Golf Club with tee times available from 12pm. Due to the church renovation work the outings supper will be available from 8pm in the Greenacres Clubhouse. Please sign the registration sheet or speak to Peter Shepherd for more information.

Church Notices

WHITECITY HOT CHOCOLATE (I hour in the evening) This will be a fun and relaxed event based at the playground at Whitecity next to David and Ruth Milligan’s home. It will only involve an hour in the evening of that week and you will get free hot chocolate! Speak to Ruth or David or Amy Hunter.

Prayer Handbook 2017/18: The Prayer Handbook will be available for September. The price remains £2.00. This is an excellent resource to pray on a regular basis for the work of the wider Presbyterian Church in Ireland. A copy is available on the table in the Dunlop Hall for you to have a look at. If you would like to order a copy or cease receipt, please speak to Kerry Newman (028 9084 2995) as soon as possible. Payment can be made any time up to receipt of the handbooks.

FINANCE: Anyone who has moved house and Giftaids their giving, please let Davy Mullan or Church Office or their Elder know before the end of June. A Giftaid submittal including the money given to “roof collection” is being prepared.

ANTRIM AND NEWTOWNABBEY STREET PASTORS would like to thank all those who came along to their Story and Song night. It was so encouraging to see so many from our congregation there to hear about what has been happening in our community and to pray for the way ahead.

For full announcement sheet: 18th June 2017