Announcements 18th December 2016


Sunday 11th December

11.00am Morning Worship Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God Wins Rev David Brice


Leadership Notices

Property Committee to meet at 7pm on Tuesday 13th December in Mosaic.

Finance Subcommittee meeting at 7.15pm on Tuesday 13th December in the Minister’s Room.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting Tuesday 13th December at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Elders & Committee members:  Please note, your district bundles (newsletters, etc.) are ready for collection from the table on your left hand side as you leave the church.


Organisation Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: This week will be our Christmas Meal followed by entertainment with the Mossgrove Primary School Choir. The meal will be served at 1pm (drivers please note) and should finish at approximately 3pm. We take this opportunity to wish all a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

FoG will join the Christmas Sing-a-long on Friday night, 16th December at 7pm and will then be off for Christmas holidays. FoG will resume on Friday 13th January at 7pm. All primary school children welcome.


Church Notices

WORLD DEVELOPMENT APPEAL: Envelopes will be arriving with other church information at your door over the coming week. Please give generously to this scheme as we remember at this time of year those who are in greatest need. If possible, return your envelope on Christmas morning at our Sunday Service.

ACCOUNTS: The committee have decided that Sunday 25th December is the last day when contributions received can be guaranteed recorded in the 2016 accounts. Any later contributions not recorded this year will be included in the 2017 accounts.

ANNOUNCEMENT SHEETS: This Thursday, 15th December, we will be producing announcement sheets for the remainder of the year. All announcements are to be with the office by 12noon to be included either in announcement sheet for Sunday 18th December 2016 or Sunday 1st January 2017.

For full announcement sheet: 11th December 2016