Announcements 13th September 2015


Sunday 13th September

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: “Double Jeopardy.” Scripture: John 6 v 35-43 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Values that last. Sermon: “Living Responsibly.” Scripture: Ephesians 5 v 15 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

COMMUNICANTS CLASS will continue on Thursday 17th September in the Minister’s Room.

Mid week bible Study combined with Street Pastors monthly community prayer meeting on Wednesday 16th September at 7.30pm in Burney Room with Rev David Brice. All welcome.


Forthcoming Events

Friday 25th-Sunday 27th September—24/7 Prayer Weekend—sign up in Mosaic.

Sunday 27th September 11am and 7pm—Harvest Sunday


Leadership Events

LEADERS IN CHARGE Healthy and Safety Meeting, today after the morning service. This meeting is to up date leaders on important safety issues. A record of attendance will be required so if you are unable to attend please send a representative.

KIRK SESSION meeting, Tuesday 15th September at 7.30pm in the Burney Room.


Organisational Notices

PW OPEN NIGHT – ALL WELCOME. SPECIAL SPEAKER – MAUD KELLS (the missionary who was shot in the Congo) on MONDAY 21st SEPTEMBER 2015 at 8pm in the McKinley Hall Offering on the night will go to Maud Kells.  

Thursday Together: The guest speaker this week will be our minister the Rev David Brice.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.  All welcome.


Congregational Notices

THANK YOU: a cheque for £1641.18 has been forwarded to The Presbyterian Orphan and Children’s Society. This was collected on through special envelopes on Children’s Day and includes £268.18 raised by the Sunday Club ’Ice Cream Sunday’. Thank you to all who contributed.

Calling all ladies (young and old): You are invited to an informal coffee/tea morning on Tuesday, 15th September between 10.00 am and 12 noon.  It will be held at 46 Kiln Park, Templepatrick.  This is simply a chance for us all to get together for a chat.  If you need transport speak to Dorothy Marshall or contact her on 90599676.

WORK PARTY: Saturday 19th September 10am-12.30pm. We are planning another opportunity to clean and prepare our church buildings for the season ahead. Everyone welcome.

Mosaic : Could you be a Mosaic Baker? If you are secretly Mary Berry’s rival and could provide something yummy once a month, please get in touch with Amy Hunter or Hazel Kyle.


For full announcement sheet: 13th September