Announcements 13th March 2016


Sunday 13th February

11.00am Morning Worship Tearfund Sunday

7.00pm Evening Worship Please note  there is no evening service this evening. You are invited to join with us at the North Belfast Presbytery Service in Ballyhenry Church at 7pm. Guest Speaker Rev Nigel Craig (Newtowncunningham)  also Lorna Morrison (IFES worker who GPC help to support)


Discipleship Events

Mid Week Bible Study: Wednesday 16th March at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. “The Cross of Christ in the Gospel of Luke” (2) Predicament of the Cross of Christ in Luke’s Gospel (Peter faces up to the horror of the Cross) Edgar McKinney


Leadership Events

Ministry Committee meeting Monday 14th March at 7pm in the Minister’s Room.

Stated Kirk Session Meeting Tuesday 15th March at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Agendas are available from Minister’s Room for elders who receive a hard copy.


Organisational Notices

Thursday Together: ‘THE EASTER MESSAGE’  given by Jim Lyttle.  We are pleased to have other singers joining us together with Isabel on piano.  You will be welcome to join us in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.  Thursday Together will be having a holiday for 2 weeks and will resume on the 7th April.

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meeting on Monday 21st March 2016 at 8pm in the Burney Room. All Ladies Welcome.

Ladies   PW in Glengormley is celebrating its 80th birthday this year. All ladies are invited to our anniversary dinner on 11th April in Tullyglass at 1.30 pm. The cost is £18 and replies with payment should be made before 1st April to Dorothy Marshall, Isobel McKenna or Vera Noble.


Church Notices

St Patrick’s Day Thursday 17 March 2016: The annual Festival Service for St Patrick’s Day will be held in Down Cathedral, Downpatrick at 11.30 am. The preacher this year is Rt Rev. Harold Miller, Bishop of Down & Dromore. The service is followed by Irish Stew and Apple Pie in the adjoining marquee to which all are invited. There is no charge. If anyone would like to go to Downpatrick on St Patrick’s Day please give your name to Paul Symonds and we could go as a group, leaving our church at 10.00am.

April Newsletter:  Elders and Committee Members please note district bundles are ready for collection today.

AGM Collection: £262.95 was collected at the AGM for Newtownabbey Street Pastors. Thank you to all who contributed.


For full announcement sheet: 13th March 2016