Announcements 13th December 2015


Sunday 13th December

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘God comes to Bethlehem’. Scripture: Luke 2 v 1-7 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: To all God’s Holy People. Sermon: ‘Assurance’. Scripture: Philippians 1 v 3-11 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

Mid week BIBLE STUDY: Winter Recess. Recommences Wednesday 6th January 2016 at 7.30pm.


Organisational Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: The next meeting of Thursday Together will be on 7th January 2016. We take this opportunity to wish everyone a very blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

FoG is now on Christmas break. We will return on Friday 8th January 2016 at 7pm.

HEATING: All organisation leaders are asked to leave a note in the Property Convener’s pigeon hole, of their break times for Christmas and also the proposed start times for afterwards. This is to allow the heating clocks to be adjusted. Thank you


Congregational Notices

Beatrice will be visiting the weekend before Christmas (18th-21st December). If anyone would want to make an arrangement to see her, she’ll be staying with The Bells.

World Development Appeal: Over the Advent and the Christmas season PCI aim to raise £500,000 for development projects overseas, with funding channelled through our aid agency partners, Christian Aid and Tearfund. Envelopes should be delivered with the church magazine and extra will be available in Mosaic.

The Congregational Committee have decided that Sunday 27th December will be the last day when donations can be received for inclusion in the 2015 accounts. Anything received after this will be included in 2016.

PRESBYTERIAN HERALD & REACHOUT magazines: If anyone would like to order either or both magazines or to change an existing order please speak to Margaret Gormley. ( tel: 9080 4576 )

A Christmas Card from Lorna Morrison, IFES Ireland, North West representative, is on the noticeboard in Mosaic. She appreciates the support she has received from our congregation through our Mission Fund.

2015 Shoebox Appeal update: The total number of shoeboxes that left Northern Ireland this year was 45,545 which included 8,035 the total for the Belfast area. The overall total is an increase of 2,500 boxes on previous years. Six container lorries left Northern Ireland for the following countries:- 2 for Serbia, (which included the Belfast area boxes), 2 for Romania, 1 for Macedonia, 1 for Ukraine. We pray that they all get to their destination safely and that nothing prevents the children receiving the “Love in a Box” that they deserve. Ann & Maureen

For full announcement sheet: 13th December 2015