Announcements 11th June 2017

Sunday 11th June

11.00am Morning Worship Summer Teams Commissioning Service Rev David Brice

No Evening Service in Glengormley Presbyterian Church joining with St Brigid’s Church of Ireland, Ballyclare Road at 7.00pm for Street Pastors Story and Song Service



Church Notices

Sunshine? Rain? Sunshine? Rain?    –  Picnic! We plan to hold a weatherproof picnic in the Dunlop Hall after the morning service. So bring your picnic (tea and coffee can be provided), your deck chairs & rug! This is an opportunity to spend a little longer than usual together as a church family.

After running her first marathon in May, Amy Brice is continuing her fundraising to help Tearfund fight for children at risk. Amy will be joining Ulster Rugby star Ruan Pienaar’s campaign by cycling 90km on Wednesday 14th June. She has already raised half her target of £1,000. Online donations via Amy’s Just Giving page: Or if you want to know more about what she is doing speak to her at church today.

For full announcement sheet: 11th June 2017