Announcements 11th January 2015

Sunday Services

Sunday 11th January

11.00am Morning Worship Rev John Seawright

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev George Moore Guest: Ilona Veres (Romania)

Sunday 18th January

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Walking in Galilee with Jesus. Sermon: Journey Like Jesus. Scripture: John 4 v 1-26 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Mr Matthew Horner


Discipleship Events

Mid-week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 14th January at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Exploring the Book of James with Rev David Brice. (Midweek offerings in 2014 £565.70 donated to Mission Account.)

LIFE GROUPS: Glenwell Life Group will commence on Wednesday, 14th at 7.30 pm. We were pleased to send £150 for Aids Orphans in Malawi.

Details of each of the Life Groups are on cards in a card holder in Mosaic.


Leadership Events

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday 13th January at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Life Group Leaders Meeting: Mosaic Cafe Friday 16th at 7pm.

Ministry Committee Meeting: Monday 19th January 7pm in Mosaic.

Advance notice: Kirk Session Meeting Tuesday 20th at 7.30pm in the Burney Room (Minutes, for those who receive by hard copy available in Minster’s Room)


Organisational Notices

CRAFT CLUB: Starts again on Monday 12th January 10am—12noon.

PW: Next PW Meeting is on Monday 19th January 2015 at 8.00 pm in the Burney Room. ALL LADIES (any age) are very welcome to join with us. Special Speaker is Doreen Draffin who is a Deaconess in Whitehouse Presbyterian Church.

PW  FUNDS: A cheque for £1700.00 has been forwarded to PCI for PW Mission Fund. Thanks to all who contributed.

The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 14th, at 9.30am in the Burney Room. We hope to walk at Antrim.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Our speaker this week will be Lisa from the charity CONCERN WORLDWIDE who will be showing us a film about her work.  We meet as usual in the Burney Room at 2.30pm on Thursday.

FoG returns on Friday 16th January at 7pm.

MEN TOGETHER: The rescheduled Bowls night at the Baker Stadium is on FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY meeting at the Stadium at 6.45 pm and afterwards for supper. If you intend going please sign sheet in Mosaic and indicate your choice of meal, Chicken and Chips(C), Fish and Chips(F).

Mosaic BOOK CLUB: The Fellowship Committee invite all those interested in reading contemporary fiction to a book club discussion group in Mosaic on Friday 30th January beginning at 7.00pm. The book chosen for the first meeting is We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler.


Congregational Notices

QUESTIONNAIRES: Today you will find a questionnaire in the pews. Please complete and place in the box at the sign up desk. We value your opinion. All questionnaires are anonymous.

Herald AND ReachOut MAGAZINES: If anyone wishes to order the Herald or ReachOut for the first time –  or to change an existing order – please let me know as soon as possible.  I need to let the departments know by the middle of the month. Margaret Gormley

Assembly Restructuring: The General Assembly have restructured their Boards and Commissions, a letter from the Clerk of the Assembly outlining the changes along with where to find their offices is posted on the Church Notices Board.

NEWTOWNABBEY STREET PASTORS: Sunday 1st February at 7pm in New Mossley Presbyterian Church. Commissioning Service for new street pastors with Rev Les Isaac OBE. Rev Isaac is the CEO of Ascension Trust which he founded in 1993. His mission is to train and develop individuals to serve their local community, city, nation and nations of the world. He co-launched Street Pastors.


Church Notices

THE CHURCH IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE: Living and Dying Well, Thursday 22nd January 2015 in Assembly Buildings 10am to 3.30pm. Contact Union Theological College for a booking form. The closing date for booking for the Conference is Thursday, 15th January, 2015.

Mosaic will be open on: Thursdays 6.30 – 8pm, Fridays 8.45am – 12noon & 6.45 – 8.30pm


Prayer Diary

Monday 12th January: Give thanks to God for the many blessings received over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Remember our brothers & sisters in Christ around the world who are persecuted for their faith. Pray that God would give them strength to keep the faith and endure in their situation.

Tuesday 13th January: Pray for the Church Committee members that they would know God’s leading as they meet to discuss and plan ahead for the congregation.

Wednesday 14th January: Pray for all who lead in our organisations as they plan each week and give encouragement to those in their group to follow Jesus and His teachings.

Thursday 15th January: Pray for the leadership of Parents & Toddlers and Thursday Together. Give thanks to God for all who attend, remembering the drivers who give of their time to ferry members to and from meetings week by week. Remember also the leaders and girls in the Girl Guide groups as they meet each Thursday evening. Pray that they would know God’s love for them.

Friday 16th January: Pray for the leadership of FOG as they reach out to the children in their care. Pray that they would know his strength and love as they teach the young children.

Saturday 17th January: Pray for those in our congregation who are suffering through ill health, age infirmities and loneliness. Pray that they would know God’s love and presence at this time. Pray for those in government that they would rule wisely and fairly in our land. Continue to pray for God’s protection for His church in the world in these dark days.

Sunday 18th January: Pray for prepared hearts to receive what God has to say to us in His word today. Pray for His messengers as they proclaim His word. Ask God to speak to us as we lift our hearts up to Him in praise. Give thanks for the choir and praise band as they lead us week by week. Pray for our pastoral team as they visit members of the congregation and that they would continue in good health and know God’s guidance in their lives.