Announcements 10th January 2021


Sunday 10th January 2021 

11am Rev Reuben McCormick

Church Online

In line with the worsening situation and unequivocal public health advice that people stay at home, on Thursday 7th January all Presbyterian Churches received the direction from the General Council of PCI that we should cease in-person church gatherings, including worship [with the exception of arrangements for live-streaming]. We will follow the direction and so in-person worship will cease initially until 6th February [it will be revised in late January, and may be extended]. Please join with us for worship online on our YouTube Channel for the next number of weeks. Can I also encourage you at this time to check, by phone, with others in church life and also neighbours and friends? This is a demanding time for everyone and by our love for others we will be known to be his disciples. John 13 v 35

Discipleship Events

Zoom Prayer Meeting will continue online on Sunday 10th January 2021 at 8pm.

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION: Meeting of Kirk Session will take place on Tuesday 12th January at 7:30pm via Zoom. Details are contained in the meeting agenda which has been circulated to elders.

Organisation Notices

GPC KIDS ONLINE starts again on Friday 8th January. Each week the leaders will post a video on Facebook and YouTube of a story, a song and activities for primary aged children to follow. Please encourage any children you know to join in. (We won’t be checking birth certificates, so feel free to connect.)

LEPROSY MISSION: A cheque for £295 has been forwarded to Leprosy Mission. Thank you to all who contributed.

Church Notices

THANK YOU: Following the November special offering and combining with other individual donations we have been able to send £941.60 to Tear Fund, £813.20 to Christian Aid & £865.10 to the Presbyterian Children’s Society. We have also been able to fulfil our United Appeal target of honour which for 2020 was £12,313. Many thanks to all who contributed.

For full announcement sheet: 10th January 2021