Announcements Sunday 27th January 2019


Sunday 27th January

11:00am Morning Worship including Kids Praise Series: Grounded in God’s Love (Walking with Christ) Sermon: ‘Oneness (Part1)’ Scripture: Ephesians 4 v 1-13 Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK MISSION FOCUS: Wednesday 30th January at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Philip Dunn European Mission Fellowship

Leadership Notices

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE: There will be a brief meeting of committee after our morning service. Please meet at the choir pews.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) –  our next Meeting is on Monday 4th February 2019 at 8:00pm in the Burney Room. Special Speaker is  Angela Marshall – Subject: ‘A New Beginning’.  ALL LADIES WELCOME.

Thursday Together: Our guest speaker this week will be Elizabeth Jones who will be storytelling and has entitled her programme ‘A Sideways Look at Life.’  We meet as usual in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

PRESBYTERIAN HERALD: February copies of Presbyterian Herald are available for collection from the library corner.

For full announcement sheet: 27th January 2019