Announcements 18th November 2018


Sunday 18th November

11:00am Morning Worship including Kid’s Praise Series: Grounded in God’s Love Sermon: ‘Therefore – Know God’s Serving Grace’ Scripture: Ephesians 3 v 1-13 Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 21st November at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. ‘7 Churches’ Rev Bobby Allen

Leadership Notices

FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday 20th November at 7:15pm sharp in the Minister’s Room.

PROPERTY SUBCOMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday 20th November at 7:15pm in The Office.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday 20th November at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) – meet on Monday 19th November 2018 at 8:00 pm in the Burney Room. Special Guests: Sharon & Eleanor subject ‘Second Bloom – Rags to Bags’.  They make bags from old materials.  There will be bags on sale priced between £5.00 to £20.00. ALL LADIES WELCOME.

PW Mission boxes are due for collection also leprosy Mission Vials. PW Mission to Eileen Gordon  Leprosy Mission to Rosemary Ruddy  before the 9th December.

Thursday Together: This week we are pleased to welcome back our good friends Donald and George to entertain us with piano and songs. We meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

Church Notices

EARL HAIG FUND: Thank you to all who contributed to the collection last Sunday. The amount raised was £419.66.

SHOEBOX APPEAL  2018:  A big thank you to everyone in the congregation, for all your help in various ways throughout the year. On and around ‘Shoebox Sunday’ we collected a total of £1051.68 and that has enabled us to send 210 boxes to needy children. We will let you know which country they go to as soon as we find out. There is a thank you certificate, from the charity, on the notice board in Mosaic.  God Bless – The Shoebox team.

For full announcement sheet: 18th November 2018