Announcements 16th September 2018


Sunday 16th September

11:00am Morning Worship Series: Why on earth did Jesus say that? Sermon: ‘Take my yoke’ Scripture: Matthew 11 v 20-30 Rev George Moore

7:00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘Come Clean’ Scripture: Psalm 32 Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 19th September 2018 at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Series – The 7 Churches of Revelation. Rev Bobby Allen

Leadership Notices

Property Subcommittee to meet at 7pm on Tuesday 18th September in the Minister’s Room.

Finance Subcommittee meeting on Tuesday 18th September at 7:40pm in the church office.

Congregational Committee Meeting Tuesday 18th September at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) – starts again on Monday 17th September 2018 at 8:00pm in the Burney Room.  Special Speaker is Olive Turkington. Subject: “Give the girl the right shoes” – ALL LADIES WELCOME.

Thursday Together: This week we will be having our minister Rev David Brice to give us a talk entitled ‘Summer Reflections.’ Our meeting takes place in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

MEN TOGETHER: Those going to Bingham’s Dairy Farm on Wednesday 19th September, should sign the sheet which is on sign up desk and meet in the Burney Room at 9:30am.


BEGIN, BELONG, BECOME: a series of three special services, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December all at 6pm. Personal Stories, Guest Speakers, Stirring Soloists, Contemporary Praise.

BEGIN—Sunday 7th October at 6pm

Matthew Horner a few years ago was mending roads for the Road Service. He has now begun training to be a Presbyterian Minister. What motivated him to go from Road Maintenance to Soul Maintenance? Come and find out.

Emma Cooke, student, a beginner on her spiritual journey. What is it like to be a young Christian in today’s world?

Sam Gourley, when life unravels you have to begin again. How did Sam make a new beginning?

Susan Graham (semi professional) will sing Amazing Grace, the story in song of John Newton beginning in Christ… And much more… Come and bring a friend.

PRAY AND INVITE: This is a prayer initiative leading up to our BEGIN, BELONG, BECOME series.

Step 1 – take a leather strip (provided in Mosaic)

Step 2 – Think of a number of friends you could and should pray for.

Step 3 – Tie as many knots in the leather strip and wear the strip on your wrist.

Step 4 – As you have opportunity, invite your friends.

Church Notices

Children’s Society: Envelopes are at the end of each pew. Please return filled envelopes to the collection plate today.

Road Works started on 10th September on the ANTRIM Road between Church Way and Bellevue Bridge. On Sunday 23rd & 30th September this section will be closed, however the church will remain accessible. Those travelling from south of the church will find that they will need to loop round and approach from the BALLYCLARE Road.

For full announcement sheet: 16th September 2018