Announcements 9th September 2018


Sunday 9th September

11:00am Morning Worship Series: Grounded in God’s Love. Sermon: ‘Blessings 1 and 2; I am holy and blameless’ Scripture Ephesians 1 v 4-6 Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Summer Reports

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 12th September 2018 at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Series – The 7 Churches of Revelation. Rev Bobby Allen

Leadership Notices

Kirk Session Meeting Tuesday 11th September at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Copies of Agenda are available in the Minister’s Room for elders.

TAKING CARE REFRESHER TRAINING: Mosaic 7:30pm Monday 22nd October 2018. All leaders are asked to check sign up sheet in Mosaic and indicate if they can attend. If they cannot, please speak to Lesley Bell.

LEADERS IN CHARGE or a representative from each organisation, please meet briefly in Choir area after this morning’s service.

Organisation Notices

CRECHE: All crèche volunteers please meet in the minor hall (crèche room) after this morning’s service.

PARENT & TODDLERS opens on Thursday 13th September at 10:00 am. The team look forward to welcoming all babies and toddlers for a fun filled morning. Do join us.  You’ll have a great time.

Thursday Together are looking forward to resuming meetings on the 13th September at 2:30pm in the Burney Room.  We welcome new members, male and female, to join us on a Thursday afternoon for a time of fellowship. Please speak to me for more details if you are interested.  Gloria

FRIDAY CLUB: The Friday Club will open on Friday, 14th September:

Juniors from 6:30 – 7:45 pm for all aged 4-11 (Special Guest – Snoopy).

Seniors from 7:45 – 9:00 pm for all secondary school young people. We look forward to seeing you.

Mosaic – Reopening: Mosaic will reopen on Friday 14th September 2018 – 6:30 to 8:15pm. Why not call in for a coffee or tea after dinner and relax for a hour – meet up with a friend or chat to someone else who you may not regularly see or speak to – make a friend! Everyone very welcome.

Church Notices

Children’s Society: We have had a lower than normal response to our annual appeal and it may be that it wasn’t well enough published so we want to give the congregation a further opportunity to donate to this worthwhile cause. Envelopes are at the end of each pew. Please return filled envelopes to the collection plate next Sunday.

For full announcement sheet: 9th September 2018