Announcements 22nd April 2018


Sunday 22nd April

11:00am Morning Worship Series: Why on earth did Jesus say that? Sermon: ‘Why do you call me Lord, Lord?’ Scripture: Luke 6 v 46-49 Rev George Moore     

7:00pm Evening Worship There will be no evening service in GPC, we are joining in the Street Pastors Service, St John Church of Ireland, Ballyclare at 6pm

Wednesday 25th April

7:30pm Pre-communion Service

Leadership Notices

PROPERTY SUBCOMMITTEE Meeting Tuesday 24th April at 7:00pm in the Minister’s Room.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting Tuesday 24th April at 8:00pm. Please note the change of date.

Organisation Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: We meet this week at 2:00pm in the McKinley Hall, please note change of time and venue.  The combined school choirs from Glengormley Integrated and Mossgrove will be entertaining us with a musical programme to which parents and friends are invited. Thursday Together will finish at 3:30pm

Garden Hub will meet on Friday 27th April at 10:00am. Come and see a display of daffodils and tulips now that spring has arrived. All welcome.

For full announcement sheet: 22nd April 2018