Announcements 11th March 2018


Sunday 11th March

11:00am Morning Worship Tear Fund Sunday Mr Derek Hall followed by Tearfund lunch (this will give the congregation the opportunity to donate the cost of their Sunday Lunch to Tearfund and at the same time to enjoy fellowship together)

7:00pm Evening Worship Song Cafe – Focus on Romania with Norman and Linda Patterson and Lilah Fawcett

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION MEETING Tuesday 13th March at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Agendas are available in the Minister’s Room for those who do not receive them by email.

Organisation Notices

PW committee members are asked to meet briefly after the service on Sunday morning in the Burney Room.

PW members are preparing to send two boxes of medical and educational supplies to Malawi. We invite the members of the congregation to join us in this. Lists of suitable material are posted in the Burney Room and on the corridor noticeboard. Supplies can be left in the box in Mosaic. Thank you.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: We are pleased to welcome back Donald and George as our special guests this week.  They will be entertaining us with piano and songs and we will meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

MEN TOGETHER outing to ‘Aunt Sandra’s Sweet Factory’ on Wednesday 14th March, 2018. Sign up sheet in Mosaic.

The Gardening Hub will meet on Friday 16th March at 10:00am. Come and see a display of Spring flowers, have cup of coffee and a friendly chat.

JAZZ HUB will meet at 7:00pm in the Minor Hall on Friday 16th March to discuss the role of female vocalists in the history of jazz music.

Church Notices

WORLD DEVELOPMENT APPEAL: A cheque for £1726 has been sent to World Development Appeal which was the total of the contributions received from envelopes over Christmas period.

AGM Wednesday 14th March at 7:30pm in the McKinley Hall

For full announcement sheet: 11th March 2018