Announcements 4th March 2018


11:00am Morning Worship  Arab World Ministries

7:00pm Evening Worship Series: Character References Sermon: ‘Mary Magdalene. Love without words, peace without asking’ Rev David Brice

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 7th March at 7:30pm in the Burney Room Essential 6 “Cost” Rev David Brice

Organisation Notices

PW: On 5th March 2018 we are holding Beetle Drive/Musical Event at 8:00pm in the McKinley Hall.  The first performance of ‘Our Roof’ the musical will take place after the Beetle Drive. EVERYONE (male & female) INVITED TO JOIN WITH US. Light refreshments will be served.

PW members are preparing to send two boxes of medical and educational supplies to Malawi. We invite the members of the congregation to join us in this. Lists of suitable material are posted in the Burney Room and on the corridor noticeboard.  Supplies can be left in the box in Mosaic. Thank you.

The Walking Club will meet in the Burney Room on Wednesday, 7th March at 9:30 am. We will walk at the Lagan Tow Path, weather permitting.  New members are always welcome.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: We are pleased to welcome the Rev. Andrew Thompson to our meeting this week.  Andrew is the minister of Elmwood Presbyterian Church and is also Chaplain to the Ulster Rugby Team.  A warm welcome to anyone wishing to join us in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

THE CROCHET HUB will start again on Thursday 8th March to 29th March inclusive (Note change of dates). Cost is £10. Speak to Rita Allen for more details. Sign up sheet is available at sign up desk.

GPG, Glengormley Presbyterian Guys: We are hoping to meet every 6-8 weeks for breakfast, fellowship and craic.  We will have sign up sheets in Mosaic a few weeks prior to each event so that a venue can be booked.  You can also choose to be added to a WhatsApp group to stay connected as a collective group. The GPG WhatsApp group is to be used for prayer requests, adding encouraging scriptures/passages, choruses, hymns and to keep in touch with each other. Points of contact are Paul Fawcett, Mark Hewitt and David Milligan. Our first breakfast will be on the 7th April in Knags at 10am.

Church Notices

HERALD MAGAZINES are available for collection from library corner.

AGM Wednesday 14th March at 7:30pm in the McKinley Hall: In preparation for our AGM accounts are available for the congregation on the sign up desk. Any questions need to be submitted by Sunday 11th March to Rev Brice.

At the AGM, as previously agreed with the congregation, a report on the cost of adapting the seating at the front of the church will be made, a recommendation from the Congregational Committee will be made and the congregation will be asked to vote on the matter.

Catering team A please meet on Sunday 11th March 2018 in the Burney Room for a quick meeting after the morning service.

24/7 PRAYER WEEKEND: Sign up sheet is available at sign up desk

For full announcement sheet: 4th March 2018