Announcements 10th December 2017


Sunday 10th December

11:00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘Through the Looking Glass – Living with Life’s Absurdities’ Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1 v 1-9 Rev David Brice

6:00pm Evening Worship Whitecity Carol Service in Whitecity Community Hall


Leadership Notices

Kirk Session Conveners: There will be a brief meeting of Conveners after the morning service in the Minster’s Room.

Session and Committee members please collect your Christmas bundles for distribution before Christmas 2017!

Leaders please inform Sue McKinstry of Christmas closing dates and New Year opening dates ASAP.

Organisation Notices

WALKING CLUB meeting Wednesday 13th December at 10:30am in the Burney Room. We are hoping to have a short walk before our Christmas Dinner.

Thursday Together: Our Christmas meal takes place this week in the McKinley Hall at 1:00pm.  Would drivers please have all passengers there at 12:45pm. Afterwards we will be entertained by the choir from Mossgrove Primary School and plan to finish by 3:15pm. This is our final meeting before the holidays and we take this opportunity to wish everyone a very blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Thursday Together meets again on the 4th January 2018 at 2:30pm.

Church Notices

Catering Team B to meet in the Burney Room after this mornings service.

For full announcement sheet: 10th December 2017