Announcements 22nd October 2017

Sunday 22nd October

11:00am Morning Worship Series: Stewardship Sermon: ‘Using Time Wisely’ Scripture: Ephesians 5 v 1-21 Rev George Moore

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK MISSION FOCUS: Wednesday 25th October at 7:30pm with Avril Edgar.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) Last chance to purchase your ‘Weather pRoof’ Fireside Quiz this week. Closing date Tuesday 31st October. Please give any money collected to Isobel McKenna or a member of PW.

Thursday Together: This week will be Members’ Day/ Reminiscence Day when we hear what our members have to say or sing.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm on Thursday 26th October.

Church Notices

Rev Brice will be on Annual Leave until 9th November, please contact Rev George Moore if you require the services of a minister. Tel.  028 9034 2832. This number will also be on the Manse Answering machine.

POSITIONS VACANT: DIRECTOR OF KIDS BAGS—Duties include filling bags with activities and general up keep. Speak to Amy Hunter—you’re hired!

For full announcement sheet: 22nd October 2017