Announcements 27th August 2017


Sunday 27th August

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Prayer and Healing. Sermon: ‘Why we want to pray’ Scripture: Isaiah 51 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Discipleship Notices

COMMUNICANTS CLASS: is planned to start on Thursday 31st August at 7pm in the Minister’s Room. Please speak to Rev Brice if you are interested.

Organisation Notices

Sunday Club: The Sunday Club resumes on Sunday 3rd September. An exciting programme has been arranged and the leaders are looking forward to seeing all the boys and girls again after the summer break.  All children aged 4-11 years old are welcome to come along and experience the fun learning about Jesus.

Roof And Renovation Update

ROOF AND RENOVATION FUND: Next Sunday, as we invite the Moderator to lead our Thanksgiving Service for the work done in our church buildings, we will give everyone an opportunity to contribute to this work by placing envelopes on the seats. We hope to update you on our financial position in the near future.

For full announcements sheets: 27th August 2017