
Sunday 20th August

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Christian Distinctives Sermon: ‘Believing God in a World that Believes Only in Itself’ Scripture: Matthew 28 v 16-20 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Church Notices

SPARK NEWTOWNABBEY 2017: Celebration Service in Ballynure Presbyterian at 8.30pm tonight. Come along to hear about some of the outreach activities that some of our young people were involved in this week.

The Prayer Handbooks are expected for distribution next Sunday. If you have not yet paid for your copy  (£2.00) please arrange to do so. Thank you – Kerry

ANNOUNCEMENT SHEETS: Due to the building work taking place in the corridor this week, the office was unable to open last Thursday as planned. Weekly announcement sheets will be printed again starting on Sunday 27th August. Any announcements need to be with the office by 12 noon on Thursday prior to this date.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Street and Prayer Pastors have been invited to join with the Prayer Fellowship on Wednesday at 7.30pm at the Church of the Holy Spirit, on Wednesday, 30th August, to pray for the ongoing work in the area and also about the latest recruitment drive. Everyone interested is welcome to join with us to pray.

For full announcement sheet: 20th August 2017