Announcements 30th April 2017


Sunday 30th April

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘You plus Jesus’ Scripture: John 14 v 15-21 Rev David Brice (including Moderator’s Appeal for East Africa)

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins. Sermon: ‘At the centre of Heaven’ Scripture: Rev 21 v 22 – 22 v 6 Rev David Brice


Forthcoming Events

Monday 1st May – Church Picnic and Football at Mossley Pavilion. Meeting at 1pm. Bring your own picnic. Football to start at 2.30pm. See Peter Shepherd for more details.


Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 3rd May at 7.30pm in McKinley Hall. Series: “Lord Teach us to pray” Rev George Moore


Organisation Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Thursday Together will be having an outing this week to ‘Yarns’ at Mossley Mill for Afternoon Tea.  The time is 3.00pm and will finish at approx. 5.00pm.  Entertainment will be by the father and daughter duo Sam and Elaine, back by popular demand! This will be our final meeting until September.

The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 3rd May at 9.30 am in the Burney Room.  We will walk at Kirby’s Lane, Antrim. New walkers are always welcome.

FRIDAY NIGHT CHILDREN’S AND YOUTH MINISTRY: If you would like to contribute to or find out more about developing plans for this work, you are invited to a meeting in the Minor Hall at 7:30pm on Friday 5th May 2017 with Sandra and Edgar McKinney, who will be overseeing the work. Please feel free to speak to the McKinneys or Kenny McLaughlin/ Lesley Bell if you want more information.


Church Notices

THE HERALD May Edition magazines are available for collection from the table in the Dunlop Hall.

For full announcement sheet: 30th April 2017