Announcements 19th March 2017

Sunday 19th March

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘This is the day, or is it?’ Scripture: 1 Samuel 15 v 1-11 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘A Magnificient Hymn’ Scripture: Psalm 18 Rev George Moore


Discipleship Events

MID week MISSIONARY FOCUS: Wednesday 22nd March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Burney Room with Louise Hacking


Leadership Events

KIRK SESSION MEETING Tuesday 21st March at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Agenda available in Minister’s Room.


Organisation Notices

Crèche has now moved to the minor hall.

PW (Presbyterian Women) please note that we next meet on Monday 20th March in Tullyglass House Hotel, Galgorm Road, Ballymena for a Carvery Lunch at 1.00pm. Anyone needing a lift please inform Dorothy Marshall.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Donald and George will be our guests and will be entertaining us on piano and songs.  They were with us last year and we are looking forward to their return visit.  We meet as usual in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

MOSIAC GARDEN: Next meet on Friday 24th March at 10am in café.


Church Notices

At next Sunday’s service there will a collection for the Presbyterian Children’s Society when envelopes will be available in the pews.

Review of Children’s and Youth Ministry: We are reviewing the Children’s and Youth Ministry and as part of this process we want to hear the views of children, young people, parents and leaders. To facilitate this, members of the Ministry Committee will be consulting with the children/young people. We will also be approaching parents and leaders with semi structured questionnaires to illicit feedback and suggestions.  If you are interested or would like to contribute to this process please contact Lesley Bell or Kenneth McLaughlin Co conveners of Ministry Sub Committee.

24/7 Prayer will take place Friday 31st March – Sunday 2nd April. A sign-up sheet is on the sign-up desk. Please book your slot early. Thanks to the Thursday night Life Group for setting up the room on this occasion and to Jonny Reaney as Discipleship Convener for making the arrangements.

Volunteers Needed: We are looking for volunteers to take Children’s Church during the Summer. If you and a partner (or just you) can volunteer one Sunday in the months of July or August to look after our fantastic kids during the Sunday Morning Service please speak to Melanie Crawford or Andy McClelland. A minimum of 2 volunteers per week are required (we can get you a partner if needed). Resources can be provided if needed. Please signup on sheet in the vestibule.

Football challenge: The next football challenge match has been arranged for Saturday 25th March against Ballynure Presbyterian at Seaview with a kick off at 6pm. Support is very welcome. Everyone who has agreed to play in the match, please meet Peter Shepherd after this morning’s service in the choir pews.

For full announcement sheet: 19th March 2017