Announcements 12th March 2017


11.00am Morning Worship  Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘Assurances for timid followers’ Part 2. Scripture: John 14 v 1-14 Rev David Brice
7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins. Sermon: ‘The Thousand Years’  Scripture: Revelation 20 v 1-10 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

MID week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 22nd March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Minister’s Room. ‘Close to Home’ 5

COMMUNICANTS CLASS: Rev Brice will run a new communicants class on Wednesday 15th March at 6.30pm in the Minister’s Room. Please contact him personally if you are interested.


Leadership Notices

Property Sub Committee on Tuesday 14th March at 7pm in the Minister’s Room

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE meeting, Tuesday 14th March at 8pm in the Burney Room

WORSHIP SUB COMMITTEE meeting on Thursday 16th March at 7pm in the Minister’s Room


Organisation Notices

Crèche has now moved to the minor hall.

TIME OUT 4 U: Tuesdays, 14th, 21st & 28th March. See Amy Hunter for details.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Our guest speaker this week will be Rosemary Hamilton who will be giving us a talk on THE AMISH – THE PLAIN PEOPLE.   We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

MEN TOGETHER: Next outing is to Montgomery Transport on Wednesday 15th March meeting at the church at 9.30am. Please sign up on sheet in Mosaic.

Review of Children’s and Youth Ministry: We are reviewing the Children’s and Youth Ministry and as part of this process we want to hear the views of children, young people, parents and leaders. To facilitate this, members of the Ministry Committee will be consulting with the children/young people. We will also be approaching parents and leaders with semi structured questionnaires to illicit feedback and suggestions.  If you are interested or would like to contribute to this process please contact Lesley Bell or Kenneth McLaughlin Co conveners of Ministry Sub Committee.


Church Notices

Volunteers Needed: We are looking for volunteers to take Children’s Church during the Summer. If you and a partner (or just you) can volunteer one Sunday in the months of July or August to look after our fantastic kids during the Sunday Morning Service please speak to Melanie Crawford or Andy McClelland. A minimum of 2 volunteers per week are required (we can get you a partner if needed). Resources can be provided if needed. Please signup on sheet in the vestibule.

The offering at the AGM was £ 356.00 which will go towards the roof fund.

The collection on Tearfund Sunday was £1265.25.

CHURCH VISITOR: Mr Jim Lyttle is on leave. Any referrals should be made directly to Rev Brice.

KIDS ANNOUNCEMENT: If you are P5 and above, we are looking for KIDS AMBASSADORS to welcome the younger kids to Kids Worship Sunday and give out Praise Flags when needed, to hand out our Kids Bags to any children who stay in church during the service, to open and close the side door when kids are leaving for their church and to give out our new Kids Thank You cards. Please speak to Amy Hunter to get involved!

Contributions for the Easter magazine are to be sent to by today.

ACCOUNTS: Copies of Church Financial Accounts for 2016 are available in Mosaic for anyone who wants to take a copy


Roof and Renovation

As the move to the halls is being planned, would all Leaders-in-charge please look at their allocated spaces to see if they could provide temporary storage for items that have to be removed from Church? It may be only room for a box or two, or one bulky item, (hopefully more!) but if you can help in this way, please note the name of your organisation, contact number or email and roughly what you have space for and place in Property Convener’s pigeon hole in the office or give to a member of the property team. Your help in this is greatly appreciated, thank you.

A clear out of storage areas (eg above chair store in Dunlop Hall) will begin soon. If you have anything stored that isn’t in your allocated storage area and isn’t boxed, bagged or labelled, it will be considered as unwanted and disposed of. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.


For full announcement sheet: 12th March 2017