Announcements 1st January 2017


Sunday 1st January

11.00am Morning Worship Communion Service   Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev George Moore


Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Mid week will resume on Wednesday 4th January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Series: ‘Lord Teach us to pray ’ Rev George Moore


Organisation Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: starting again on Thursday 5th January at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.


Church Notices

COMMITTEE ELECTION – VOTERS LIST: Kirk Session will publish a draft voters list on Sunday 8th January 2017. The qualifications of a voter according to the Code of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland are as follows:

Paragraph 175

(1) Voting members in the Church are communicants on the roll of the congregation who are listed, whether by name or number, as having contributed to the stipend or weekly freewill offering of the congregation in the last financial year.

(2) In addition to those so listed the following shall also be qualified, if themselves communicants on the roll –

(a) A wife shall be qualified on a husband’s contribution, and vice versa, where both are communicants. This shall also apply should the contributor himself or herself not be a communicant. If neither husband nor wife in such circumstances is a communicant, then their contribution shall qualify the eldest child, residing in the family, who is on the communicants’ roll.

(b) Should a contributor, who is not a communicant, be a member of a family residing together, then his contribution shall qualify the eldest member residing in the family who is on the communicants’ roll.

(c) Those who have been added to the communicants’ roll of the congregation since the close of the last financial year, upon confirmation by the treasurer that they have contributed during the current year, shall also be qualified voters.

For full announcement sheet: 1st Januray 2017